Hi from Round Rock Texas

A little about myself. I had my first raw habanero back in 97 in Cozumel Mexico and have been hooked ever since. We had been visiting the island a few times a year since 94 and I always saw all of the locals eating them green and raw or roasted and rough diced up in lime juice. One of the locals got me to try o e raw and the heat rush and endorphins that came next made me a believer lol. In 2005 we got a place down there and have had it ever since....stocked with plenty of peppers, and when we move down for good there will be many a pepper tree in my garden.

I also am an avid home brewer with 12 beers on tap at any given time. Can't have all that beer with out smoked meat, which is another passion of mine. I'd like to think my packer briskets rival Frankilns :). After eating and drinking of course you need a nice Cuban cigar to relax...yup you guessed it another past time or way to pass time HA! Home theater, my jeep, and anything involving water are also enjoyed.

So pepper growing. I started growing habaneros in 05 here in Texas. 3 in our front landscaping, a few in the back landscaping. Our local HEB has a ton of jalapeños but the Habs were always over ripe and after being able to get fresh green Habs in cozumel this wasn't going to do. Call me crazy but I had no idea that there were so many different types of Habs until I found chili plants .com. I have been ordering live plants from them every year. I forget all of my past orders but some of my favorites have to be the jamacian Reds, chocolate elongated Habs, and Trinidad scorpions.

This year in addition to my landscaping peppers I purchased a vegtrug to grow three plants in totally controlled soil environment. It's working well and that will be my second thread on here so take a look at this years grow and Lmk what you think.

Happy I found other people who like to grow and eat peppers! I hope to learn more to improve my pepper output and overall plant health.

Thanks for the warm welcome. I posted my grow this far this year ( and a few pepper pix from last years grow) in the growers section :)
:welcome:  to the THP forums from SC!! Nice to have you on board! A small orange Habanero is what hooked me intitially also. Before that it was mostly Jalapenos (mostly pickled) until Lady Hab's tickled my tongue!  ;)