Hi from Scotland. I have a question :P

Hi everyone.
I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice.
A couple of years ago i bought some dried Naga Bih Jolokias and decided to eat a full one.
It was ovbiously the hottest thing i had ever eaten but that wasnt the problem.
About 30 mins later i was still feeling it so i drank some milk.
Then i got this excruciation pain in my stomach. I was one of the worst pains i have ever experienced. I thought i was going to have to go to the emergency room it was that bad.
I had to get it out of me so i put my fingers down my throat to vomit and the pain then went away.
Eating it was fine, i can handle that no probs but that feeling in my stomach was intense.

Anyway. The other night, my brother who hadnt tried them before wanted to try one so i i stupidly agreed to do one.
Same feeling in the mouth. No probs. And this time, no sore feeling in my stomach! I defeated the naga this time.
Sadly my brother didnt, and about an hour later he had the same excruciating pain in his stomach that i had a couple of years back.

So my question is... Why are we getting this pain in the stomach?
Is it because they are dried and the body cant break them down properly?
Is there a way to maybe strengthen the stomach in preperation.
Its seems weird to me that indians have used Nagas as a cure for stomach ulcer when weve had so much pain out of them.

The reason i am asking is. As you will all know, there is a new top dog.
The Trinidad Scorpion Morouga.
And i am NOT going to be someone that has only eaten the second hottest chilli in the world

Anyway. Any help appreciated :)

Ps: Here a video of me and my brother eating the nagas.
Im left and hes right.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLNLQdph ... ature=plcp
Yeah it's not because they were dried, fresh chillies or even really hot sauces sampled on their own hit my stomach worse than anything else too.
The chilli burn on my lips, in my mouth I can live with, even if I cut up chillies and later rub my nose, that goes away in less than a hour. But my stomach suffers more than anything.
It wasn't a one off for me either, it is the limiting factor into how hot and how much I eat, ie never built up a tolerance there. It's not hot food that does it either, just straight up chillies, dried, fresh or in it's pure form in a sauce. Of course I nearly always have it on an empty stomach as I don't normally eat anything until the evening.
Maybe the first time for you and your brother, you were doing it on an empty stomach, and the second time you had it you had eaten something prior?
:welcome: from Lexington, KY! Yeah definitely make sure you eat something before eating a superhot. They will tear your stomach up if you don't. A peanut butter sandwich and a glass of milk beforehand should be ok.
it was plain ol' stomach cramps...you probably ate it on an empty stomach...

always eat something before you do something...well.....er......uh.....that isn't the smartest thing in the world...sometimes, even on a full stomach you still get stomach cramps..
I think the first time i did it was on an empty stomach. The second time i had had alot of pizza and a few halfs of vodka for dutch courage i think lol.
My bro had the same as me though and he said his stomach was in severe pain.
All i got the second time was a warming in the stomach. The first time though i honestly felt like someone had a lighter lit in my stomach. I was rolling about the floor in agony!

Does anyone know what would be the best thing to eat to prepare your stomach.
I didnt have any milk that time there because thats what seemed to set it off the last time. As soon as the milk hit my stomach i was in pain.
usually they say something with high butterfat content helps...
I like to eat a hamburger to offset one of those...but then again...I put it on the burger so I can enjoy it...lol ;)

Hey, shenery! :welcome: to THP from the Pacific NorthWest USA!
You seem to be an adventurous sort!
Cheers for all the welcome messages.

So maybe i should eat half a block of butter and drink a pint of full fat cream next time! lol
The buzz i got off that last naga was amazing. Was a good mix with the vodka ;-)

Might add the last of my naga's to a bottle of vodka. Anyone tried that?
Cheers for all the welcome messages.

Might add the last of my naga's to a bottle of vodka. Anyone tried that?

Hi from Massachusetts. The Russians have been adding black pepper to vodka for at least eighty years, why not chilies instead...
Welcome...........from Chicago.......same thing when drinking heavily on an empty stomach.
You need to have something to absorb the acid. If I'm checking out some "raw" peppers from the garden I'll make sure to have some sort of bread source in my system before hand. That always helps for me.
Shenery...2 things must happen:

1.) You must send me that shirt.

2.) You must get back to your roots, and enter our monthly cooking challenge.

3.) You must video yourself saying "Head...PANTS...NOW!!!"