Hi from South Africa


My name is Paul and I'm ....no wait - that's the other forum!:oops:

My name is still Paul, and I love peppers, never dreaming that there was an entire forum dedicated to the evil little blighters! A pal (patrick) invited me over to maybe share a little and learn a lot and here I am. Thanks, Pat!
Hey Paul! Great to see you man! This is definitely the place if you want to get into chilli's. I know you're going to get into this place.

Much more relaxed than the other site we're on trust me. I mean watch. Shit. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Enjoy the place. Man it's great to see you again.
Welcome from Fort Worth, Texas (Commonly called Cowtown)
Welocme from another noob. Lots of great info and folks around here.
So what are you growing / planning to grow in South Africa?
Hey, it's like United Nations here! Great!

Thanks for all of those well wishes folks. This site is warm in more ways than the most obvious, that's for sure...

Satch, I am a total n00b at this, so I plan to hit some of the older posts and gets the basics behind me before I venture out to the compost heap! :cheers: