Hilarious videos

Hi people. My name is Brannon, and I started Dirty Brd Productions. The whole point of my company is to film and edit videos of Brad Bishop (AKA Bishop Brad) doing challenges such as heating the hottest peppers in the world, hot sauces, and other hot productions being made by companies all over the world. He has people from all over the world send him products to eat for challenges, for reviews, and things of that nature. If you enjoy watching videos of that nature that are extremely hilarious, you can see them athttp://www.facebook....brdproductions. If you like it, and you have a facebook, like the page as well. He's currently under the wing of Ted The Firebreathing Idiot, and is a rising star in the pepper world. Thank you guys.

Rising star in the pepper world?

:rofl: :rofl: :liar: :rofl: :rofl:

Firstly Ted doesn't seem to be well liked around here... Secondly, any apprentice of Ted can be no more famous than Ted, and Ted is not famous.

Someone that no one has ever heard of, is not a rising star.

Hopefully, he is less divisive than Ted.

Finally, I personally do not find videos of Ted to be hilarious, if the new videos are in the same vein, then this forum is likely not the right target audience...

People get jumpy about videos being posted of the same thing over and over and over... You can only see someone eat a hot pepper so many times...

I get the feeling that the veterans of the forum have seen all they care to, and then some of this sort of video.
I'm sorry if I upset anyone by mentioning Ted...didn't know he wasn't liked around here. Brad is a different character in his own right. And with the "rising star" term, I just used it because someone else put it on one of his youtube videos. Ted is someone who has done a lot for Brad, and is a real good guy. And when it comes to the same thing over and over again, Brad does not do that. He has made it very clear to me that he wants to do different things, and has done so in his videos. You guys don't have to go to the page and check it out if you don't want to. I find them very funny, as do a lot of of other people, and I just wanted to mention them. Hope you guys have a great day.
yes it is :
To commemorate the opening of the Monty Python musical Spamalot in London, Hormel is unleashing Stinky French Garlic Spam upon the British Isles the makers of the much-maligned canned meat product, introduced this "collector's edition" tin in the States some two years ago when the show made its New York debut.