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Holes in Pepper Leaves

These are near perfect round holes, mulitple holes over most of the larger leaves,and eaten through (sorry, no pic)

If they're bugs, they're daring. The peppers are close to the "Orkin Zone"

Bugs bug me!

Thanks. If needed i will try to get a pic up tomorrow.
Same thing happened to me last week. I actually found the sole bug responsible. It was actually bigger than I thought it would be. About the size of a dime and light green in color. Needless to say he won't be doing that anymore. :)
are the holes on the edge of the leaves or in the middle?....I have several plants that have round holes cut from the margin of the leaf inward...turns out it is a wasp of some kind using the leaf pieces to build an underground nest for its young...
Nope, no signs of bugs/slugs/worms/other yucky thing. I looked over them again today.

They are in the middle of the leaves.
Eeewww Wasps??? Would the try to make a nest in 12 oz cups? Maybe I need to take a closer look.

PIC(sorry, cell phone):
Not sure if it's the same critter munchin on your peppers but I've been trying to track down which pest has been chewin on my tomatoes for a couple weeks and I just found out last night it is moths and their larvae(green). The holes in the leaves are similar to your photos. The worms are very hard to spot on the tomatoes because they are the same color and I have 17 bushy 5' plants in the green house.

They have not eaten any of my peppers that are up on the shed roof and on the fence.

Here's a couple photos of the damage and the turds they leave behind. Sorry I don't have a photo of the pests but I went on a rampage in the greenhouse this morning with a garden hose and squished every moth and worm I was able to spray off the plants.


yeah, looks like some kinda of caterpiller/larvae to me. Reminds me of what can happen to cabbage..do any other plants of any kind have it?
chilinut said:
Here's a couple photos of the damage and the turds they leave behind. Sorry I don't have a photo of the pests but I went on a rampage in the greenhouse this morning with a garden hose and squished every moth and worm I was able to spray off the plants.



Man, those dirty little bastards! Not only do they eat your plants, they shit all over them too. What a bunch of little scumbags!
QuadShotz said:
yeah, looks like some kinda of caterpiller/larvae to me. Reminds me of what can happen to cabbage..do any other plants of any kind have it?

Luckily it's only 2 bells in an isolated area on the patio. I moved them away from the other plants because they're already infected with spider mites.
Might be spider mites eating the holes in them too? I had the same problem and the only thing I saw on my plants was spider mites. I sprayed for them and it seems to have pretty much stopped the holes.
Well, I think I figured it out. The same thing started happening inside on a very select few peppers.
The common ingredient: Diluted Pepper Sause.

I don't think I diluted it enough.