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Home made Hot Pepper Sauce

I love hot peppers but my wife isn't into the real firery ones so i developed this recipe where the user can use the hottest peppers he can find or ones that containe very little heat or a combination of both.

Any kind of hot pepper and in any amount
1 red bell bepper
1 tbls cayenne pepper
3 tbls hot red pepper flakes
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1 tbs. garlic powder
vegetable oil

Remove stems from peppers. Process all ingredients except for the oil in a food processor until the peppers are cut into a very fine dice.

Put peppers into a large pot, add enough oil to cover and then bring to a boil over high heat. Let it boil for a minute, stirring so nothing sticks to the bottom. Lower the heat to a simmer and cook for another 5 minutes, stirring occasinally.

Remove from heat and let cool. When cool, pour everything into a glass jar and cover.

You can either leave this out on the counter for months a ta time or put into the fridge. Remove 1/2 hours before using.

This recipe became so popular that my wife added it to her published cookbook.
:welcome: from PA.

I am not sure if that would fall in the category of sauce. I assume it is to be used for cooking and not as a dipping sauce or put on a finished meal??????
I am not very familiar with making hot sauce. With that said your recipe sounds good but I think hot sauce should be vinegar based. I am about to look it up right now :mouthonfire: :fireball:
Not a hot sauce recipe. Bell peppers and vegetable oil? With cayenne powder? Bleck!
yeah - not sure what good the bells do since they have zero heat and the flavor would be buried beneath the cayenne powder...and "any kind of hot pepper" is a pretty broad range! You could use Jalapeno or Bhut Jolokias and come up with a pretty big difference in outcome.

As POTAWIE mentioned there's also the health risk. Be careful!! It is possible to simmer and reduce and strain to make a chili oil, but this doesn't sound like that.

For Chili oil the recipes I've played with have peanut oil, since it's a very high smoking temp (so you can cook it high enough heat without burning) this is a good one for example:

even with this, it's only good for about a month. Good luck!