• We welcome content that is not political, divisive, or offensive. If we feel your content leans this way or has the potential to, it may be removed at any time. A hot pepper forum is not the place for such content. Thank you for respecting the community!

Homeowners! Some questions...

I would like to make an observation, and I hope that it does not serve to add more fuel to the fire. The conversation only had one small political refferance here when Pam mentioned our soon to be X-president. Depending on how strongly you feel about 'W' will probably color how political you think that statement is. Regardless, I think that the rest of it was just a freindly discussion about the very frustrating market that we are all trying to live through, and the added frustration that some ne'er-do-wells actually made out like bandits.(not you McGoo...gratz!) I have had this conversation a few hundred times and I have a pretty well formed opinion based on listening to a lot of different idea's, I hope that sharing it didn't also add to the political flavor of the discussion.

How about that super bowl eh?
when one opens the door, others follow, and that is why I was trying to nip it in the bud...that's all I was doing...
Without passing any judgement on the content of that article, I would suggest that 'editorials' are not fantastic sources for facts, but rather a source for opinions.
Not a single moderator made a peep when all the snarky and provocative comments about global warming were being posted. Not a single moderator made a peep when all the grossly inappropriate demands were being made for pictures of the bodies of the women who post here. Not a single moderator made a peep when Omri went all creepy stalker and tracked me down to my place of employment after I said specifically I did not want my picture posted!

But let one vaguely liberal, off the cuff comment be made, and our so diligent moderator is all "OMG!! OMG!! Kill it!! Kill it!!"

Pam said:
Not a single moderator made a peep when all the snarky and provocative comments about global warming were being posted. Not a single moderator made a peep when all the grossly inappropriate demands were being made for pictures of the bodies of the women who post here. Not a single moderator made a peep when Omri went all creepy stalker and tracked me down to my place of employment after I said specifically I did not want my picture posted!

But let one vaguely liberal, off the cuff comment be made, and our so diligent moderator is all "OMG!! OMG!! Kill it!! Kill it!!"

Yes, that was kinda creepy. sorry 'bout that. :oops:
Omri said:
Yes, that was kinda creepy. sorry 'bout that. :oops:

Whoa. So you got a lot of time on your hands now huh?


Personally I think discussions should be allowed on any topic as long as they don't get out of hand and people remain civil. If you can't discuss the nitty gritty, hard topics, how can you form an intelligent opinion on them?


McGoo! You made out like a bandit! Or your family did. I did pretty well too. My first condo I bought for $108k, sold 3.5 years later for $289k. My mom was living in the condo for the last 1.5 yrs while I was in my first house that I bought for $290k and I sold 2 years later for $500k. Then I bought this house for $680k and it's now, just two years later and in the middle of the big price drop; still worth quite a bit more then I paid for it.

So I can't complain.

But what I find interesting is that people elsewhere in the world can have the same or better quality of life as I and my family have for a significantly less $$ value. I really wonder if the inflated real estate costs where I am is worth it?
Wild Man Matt said:
Without passing any judgement on the content of that article, I would suggest that 'editorials' are not fantastic sources for facts, but rather a source for opinions.

Matt, I fail to see where these are editorials and just a source of someones opinion...
This came from HUD and if you read the 1st paragraph and the 3rd from the last it pretty much explains the regulation and the enforcement of it.

This is a synopsis of how it all got started and how it ended with us left holding the bag.. I fail to see the opinion here also when he is just taking what others have said and done..
I suggest that you read the whole article..
Sorry to be so confrontational about it, I didn't mean to sound like I was challenging YOU, I was just making the point that an editorial, no matter what, is not an unbiased source. I also agree that this mess started when Politicians interrupted free-market processes. That wasn't my point. It wouldn't matter if it was about why the Beatles are the greatest influence on rock n' roll ever, if it is an Editorial, it is an opinion by definition.

I was only saying that editorials are by nature not a collection of facts, but rather a conclusion with supporting arguments. I only skimmed the article and found that to be the case. I happen to agree with the articles opinion of how Obama incorrectly blamed capitalism, my point is that it is not WHY the crisis happened. The article should be titled 'Why I THINK Obama is wrong'. The difference is that in a news article in a reputable paper, I would have less reason to question statments like the one implying that Obama was somehow involved with a semi-militant movement to force banks into lending to unqualified minorities. There are two sides to every tale, and an editorial is almost without exception, a single sided story.