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Hoping to earn my "Red Thumb" Some Advice?

Hey all, I stumbled upon this site and it seems really cool! I've loved peppers, and absolutely anything hot my entire life. As I've recently gotten into the hobby of gardening/growing my own veggies and such, I thought I would give peppers a try. I have a small UV lamp that I used to give light to a Venus fly trap a few years ago. I'm wondering if this will be a good source of light for my peppers? I bought a mini greenhouse pepper garden from lowes today, which included some Santiago Fi, Hot Portugal, and Sweet cayenne. Here is a picture of my set up. Any help, tips, or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! :)

I'm new to the site and to growing peppers also. The only advice I can give- Read, read, read!! There is an amazing amount of information in the forums here. It can be as easy or as complicated as you want it to be. In my case it will be as complicated as my wife says we can afford! :)

Good luck!!
Main thing for starting seed is keep the soil moist and warm (75ish) as soon as they sprout put the light to them. Watch it with the dome that the seedlings don't get too moist cause it will cause damping off and mold. It's kind of a late start but you have a long season there in Hanford, I'm in Clovis.

:welcome: Glad to see another member from the Central Valley.
if you want a red thumb slice your thumb with a knife (lol J/K), but if you want a green thumb read alot of the great gardeners threads on here they have some great info on this site im lucky i found it. Also remember what works for someone might not work for someone else. But for what you got there if that is a full spectrum bulb you should be ok until they develop there second leaves. Try to keep the seedling closer to the light so they dont get lengthy and weak from stretching for the light. i would not leave em under that light for to long. What is it 9 watts at most. good luck and keep that temp in that lil greenhouse at around 80-85 and soil moist not soaking wet. if you need it to be warmer put something underneath the greenhouse to raise it closer to the light so you can keep the temp in the greenhouse warm. good luck
Ok so I guess i'm newer at this than I thought. The lamp in a full-spectrum fluorescent lamp. I looked it up online. So will this be okay, taking the tips from what you guys have given me? (Move the plant closer to the lamp, keep soil moist, and at right temp)? Also, should I keep the greenhouse dome on or off? And btw, thank you for the warm welcomes, and friendly tips. You guys are really cool!
Keep the Dome on until they sprout. It keeps the soil at an even temp. and moisture level through humidity, which reduces the risk of the soil drying out and increases the chances of successful germination.

I feel like a real n00b here, but should I keep the light on the plant at all times? The reason why I ask is because the lamp turns itself off. Kinda like a "nighttime" mode, and then it turns back on for "daytime" mode. I can bypass it if I need to though.
You only need the light once they have sprouted (seeds will germinate in complete darkness no worries).

This is unless you are using the light for heat as well then you obviously need the light on the whole time to ensure constant warm temperatures for germination.