• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

hornillas glog 2012 with lots of pictures

Hi everyone,

i'm new to this forum. My name is Christoph and this is my first season growing different varieties of hot pepper. Last season i already grew some red Habanero. Now i try to grow the following hot peppers (name/number of seeds/number of seeds that came out):

- Naga (not sure which type of Naga exactly, was just declared as "Naga" - 6/1)
- Habanero red (3/2)
- Jalapeño (2/0)
- something like Cayenne, just sold as "Chili" (2/0)
- something like Czech Black or Black Hungarian (the left red one on this picture - 2/0)
- "Gelbe Kirsche" (yellow cherry, the yellow ones on this picture - 2/2)

I'm not totally sure about the names, because i got most seeds from fruits i bought on markets etc. and which were not declared correctly.

I'm also waiting for some seeds i ordered an which i want to grow to:

- CGN 21500
- Limón
- Trinidad Scorpion

And i am looking for seeds for Pimenta da Neyde. I wanted to order some at pepperlover.com, were i saw them yesterday, but when i had a look today, i couldn't find it anymore. Seems to be sold out. Any suggestions were i can get some?
I took all the pods off the Dutch Red and threw the plant away, because it seemed to be nearly dead and did not sprout again. Most of them were (nearly) ripe. I also picked some other pods. This is what i picked in the last few days.


And i tried the first pd of mystery #2. It tasted a lot like just an ordinary mild pepper. There was no heat at all. This its what it looked like.


Some more pictures of my plants.


My first Limón its getting ripe. I can't wait to taste it!


Bode Roxa. The shape of these peppers does not really look like what i thought Bode Roxa would look.


Pimenta da Neyde. I hope i will recognize the moment when it is getting ripe.


Aji Limo Rojo. This one and Limón are my favorite looking plants.


My first ripe Naga. I still don't know, what kind of Naga this is, because i took the seeds out of a very hot pod that was sold as Naga by Eminent Seeds from the Netherlands.


And i got some ripe Habaneros, too.
What i bought as "Bode Roxa" seems to be something different. The pods look a little different from what i expected and now, as the first pod changes its color, it also seems to be different from the pictures i know of this variety. Mine get orange.


I'm curious, if it just changes color again or if i got a hybrid or totally different variety.
Wow im loving your pod shots! your aji looks amazing. I dont know anything about bode roxa so im interested to see what you find out about your pod.
Sorry, long time no update. Had a lot to do.

Today i picked all my left ripe pods. This is what i got. New pods are growing at the moment.
