Hot Lemon Pepper Seeds

I just recently visited one of the local Gardening centers here in Massachusetts and ran into some Hot Lemon Pepper seeds marked down by 50%. These are 2012 Burpee seeds in their original packages. They normally retailed for $1.99 a package but I was able to buy 7 packages for $1.00 each. The package states that these are an Heirloom pepper from the markets of Ecuador. I have grown these out before and they are a great, fruity hot pepper with a wonderful taste. They produce 3-4 inch long lemon yellow peppers. I bought all I could get my hands on. I am offering these to the first 7 members who reply to this notice. I do not want to make a single nickle off of anyone. I want to be very specific in how I would like this to transpire. If you are interested I am going to charge $1.00 for each package. Exactly, to the penny, what I paid for them. I also want a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope in order to send you this wonderful pepper seed. Pm me. The first 7 members get them. Please only one a piece to be fair.

August 7, 2012 - Closed. Good luck to all who received seeds!!!
I got one growing. Very prolific plant.

this is one of my favourite plants, i have grown it for 2 years and have made a nice powder out of the pods. can't believe the explosion of lemon fruitiness that comes from fresh pods.
Wonderful variety, my favorite so far. Pretty hot, but not nuclear. I can just snack on the pods as is, I love the flavor so much. Great work spreading the love with this awesome variety. I will be doing the same sometime this late summer/fall. They are quite prolific producers, and get super bushy if you top them, as well.