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Hot Portugal Pepper,, Anyone Growing?

I have two "Hot Portugal" pepper plants. I understand that these are a cayenne variety that has some decent heat.

Is anyone currently growing or have any information regarding these particular peppers?

Much appreciated.

I grew some Hot Portugal in containers last year and the plants were quite large and productive. The peppers were up to 8" long and were quite tasty and relatively mild(for heatlovers anyway). My wife quite liked them as she finds a lot of the other peppers I grow to be way too hot for her.
chilinut said:
I grew some Hot Portugal in containers last year and the plants were quite large and productive. The peppers were up to 8" long and were quite tasty and relatively mild(for heatlovers anyway). My wife quite liked them as she finds a lot of the other peppers I grow to be way too hot for her.

That's great to hear. I wanted to start out "easy" witht the heat so I thought that the hot portugal would be a good choice. I must admit, though, that I now wish I had planted some hotter varities like aji lemon and white habanero.

I'm curious to know, how large did your plants get? Mine are also being grown in containters and are about a foot high and fairly bushy. They have some small fruit and are flowering well. I'll post a couple of pics later.

I know I had some photos of them but do ya think I can locate 'em.....

Damn digital cameras and 100,000 plus images sloppily stored on multiple hard drives. DOH!!!!

Any way, from what I recall they grew to somewhere between 24 to 30" and quite bushy. I can't remmeber what size containers they were in but all of my containers are between 3 and 5 gallon so it was somewhere in there.

I still have some cherry smoked , dried, Hot Portugal pods from last year and they give a nice flavour to soups, chili, stew etc.

One note though, I do recall those plants to have a some what iconsistent heat level from one pod to the next and from the tip to the placental end. Most of the peppers were relatively mild but I did have a few that were probably as hot as a good strong Jalapeno. Nothing like a Hab or Naga but still to hot for my wife.
Here is my Hot Portugal Plant:

Do you folks pinch the bottom leaves on the plant?