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Hot sauce and oak

Has anyone used oak chips/cubes when they fermented sauce? What type (Heavy/light toast), when did you put them in and for how long? Thanks.
Are you wanting the oak flavor or smoked flavor? 
If you want smoked, I'd suggest smoking the pods before starting to ferment.  The smoke can become overpowering really quickly, so maybe only smoke the pods for a very short time, or only smoke a portion of the pods to be used in the ferment.
If you want the oak flavor....dunno about that... but go for it.  Never know 'til you try it.  Maybe put a chip in a glass of water and taste the water to see if it's a flavor you like and want in the sauce. 
I haven't yet though I do have some heavy toast chips that I was planning to use for a Porter. 
I was thinking about using them on a fermented sauce after processing the sauce. My plan was to place the chips in some boiling water for 15 minutes and then placing them in the bottom of a clean ferment jar. Take the sauce down in temperature quickly as is done with wort so it doesn't shatter the jar and add the sauce to the jar and give it a month or 2 for the chips to work on the sauce and see what happened.