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heat Hot sauce losing heat?

I have 3 batches of hot sauce fermenting. They range from 2 months young to 1 month. I’ve noticed they have been tasting better (more mellow)the longer they age. My oldest sauce seems to be losing heat as it ages. All my sauces are Cayenne ,Jalapeños and Tabasco based, each a little different ratio of peppers with garlic and 1 with ginger also 1 has about 50% smoked peppers. My question is does fermented hot sauce lose its heat as it ages? Or am I just getting used to the heat level and have to up my hot pepper game ?

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SmokenFire said:
I too have noticed that my fermented sauces tend to mellow as they age.  My cooked sauces stay hot as the day they were made, but if I let a ferment age before bottling its heat level starts coming down.  Currently have a 3 gallon ferment I did with mostly supers that's been hiding in a dark corner of the basement since summer of 2015.  The mash that went in the container was straight fire, like "geez can't bear it" kind of hot.  I have a reminder set in my phone that goes off every three weeks so I can check/refill the airlock.
Thinking I'll crack it next year at the end of the season and see what's up.     :)
Well, how’s the well aged sauce?

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Make a fresh pico de gallo. Tastes awesome right? Put it in the fridge. Next day, the tomato tastes like onion juice. That's medling. Same thing happens with heat. Take a taste and it seems hot because the cap is in the peppers (concentrated area). Take a bite later and the cap has spread out and melded.