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outdoors How can deer hunting be a sport?

I was just goofing on the hunting commentary, but now that folk are talking about it I guess my views are tainted by where I live.  Some days, I could easily take a buck using fixed sights while sitting on my toilet.  With a scope, I could do it daily.  I -think- we might have elk now.  They were introduced a bit back and there is something that looks way to big to be a white tail that occasionally shows.  We also have a single black bear and believe it or not, boar.  Seems someone imported German boar for one of those hunting preserves and the things got loose, bred with feral pig.

Now hunting boar, that I think could be sport.  Those damn things fight back.
Klingon style?  Ye, the warrior race that went to war with tribbles.
ajdrew said:
I was just goofing on the hunting commentary, but now that folk are talking about it I guess my views are tainted by where I live.  Some days, I could easily take a buck using fixed sights while sitting on my toilet.  With a scope, I could do it daily.  I -think- we might have elk now.  They were introduced a bit back and there is something that looks way to big to be a white tail that occasionally shows.  We also have a single black bear and believe it or not, boar.  Seems someone imported German boar for one of those hunting preserves and the things got loose, bred with feral pig.

Now hunting boar, that I think could be sport.  Those damn things fight back.
Klingon style?  Ye, the warrior race that went to war with tribbles.
Dude that was my scenario, i was walking in the center of a field maybe 30 -40 ft wide with forest on both sides. The field dog legged to the left. I started seeing them trotting around the corner toward me walking toward them. there was seven or eight of them so i was kind of worried about being charged at so I shot the one leading the pack in at 20 yards. Took to long to reload or I could have had a second. Yes this was fun, Adrenalin rush facing the on the ground face to face they have a chance i had one arrow so it was more active and risky which made it a blast. Then the work came of carrying it out about two miles put it up on a bar and suspend it from the tree. Took a bit to skin it and barry the unusable organs and carcass. Got home cleaned all the meat up, butchered them into really nice cuts. vacuum sealed and in the freezer
My good friend Jamie, (single female, 48-ish, living off the grid on 40 acres here in the Methow) found an orphaned fawn in (I think...) 2002.  Brought it into her house, bottle raised it.  The darn thing camped on the floor next to the wood stove.  Next spring, the critter was living in and out of Jamie's house, busting through the screen door, eating Frito's and taking sips of Jamie's glass of beer while she was sitting on the deck. Come hunting season, Jamie put a hunter-orange vest on the young deer.   Deer lived and next season, Jamie did the same.  I know it made it through season 2, after that, Jamie passed, by then the deer was pretty much on it's own.  Jamie had only saw it peiodically that last year. 
interesting note- Jamie had 2 dogs that totally adopted the fawn.  Lived with it, never chased it.  One of those dogs was also a rescue, a puppy found out in the woods in the middle of a storm and hence named Stormy.  Stormy passed about a year ago.
Student of Spice - Yep, sprint running is a sport.  I would have to be really, really, really hungry maybe children starving before I would shoot or otherwise piss off a boar while I was on the ground.  Have a pet pot belly pig.  When she snuggles / nuzzles my leg with her nose, she pushes me to the ground.  She might be one tenth the weight of a boar.  Wild boar are not thick here, but the state is concerned enough to make it open season year round.

Salsalady, I am sorry for the loss of your friend.  Sounds like she had a great heart.
To those who have think that deer don't have an advantage go out during deer season. Where orange, follow all the rules and shoot a deer with a paintball gun with deadly shot placement.

Yes if you practice your aim and do a good job scouting deer hunting has a high probability of success. Barring that probability goes way down.

We need population control because we got rid of the predators. Yeah so predators are gone. Don't you drive a car? Live in a house? Eat food from a farm? If you stop eating and living in shelter then I'll take your point seriously. Otherwise you are the reason we need pop control.

Conservationist are trying to get more hunters to stop a population explosion and then fallback
Orange cant be seen by deer supposedly.
And why do it during deer season? Dont deer act a little differently during this time?
Its not a sport, there's no competition from the other team.
Its not population control. Populations are controlled by nature with varying factors like available food and habitat.
These are lies "hunters" egos and govt agencies tell them.
And why use a paintball "with deadly shot placement"? Why not still use musket balls if theyre so deadly accurate?
GTFO with this shit.
Where I hunt you cannot use rifles, deer have and will always have the advantage. Older bucks are often referred to as having a sixth sense and it may be hard to believe unless you have personally witnessed it. Most people have no idea how to properly control scent therefore they will hunt all day and never see a deer.
I love when I see people hunting in jeans, deer barely see colors but blue is the main one they see. Most people cannot sit still or are not quiet enough to not put deer on alert. 
I am lucky enough to hunt private land and can bow hunt all season without worry of "wannabe" hunters invading my space. Shooting a deer with a bow or even a scoped muzzleloader is not always so simple. 
I hunt to fill my freezer and give away plenty as well to friends who are not fortunate enough to be able to hunt.
As for the OP, is it a sport...
N.A.S.C.A.R.  Non Athletic Sport Centered Around Rednecks
Until that changes beer pong and deer hunting are sports :) 
Heckle said:
Orange cant be seen by deer supposedly.
And why do it during deer season? Dont deer act a little differently during this time?
Its not a sport, there's no competition from the other team.
Its not population control. Populations are controlled by nature with varying factors like available food and habitat.
These are lies "hunters" egos and govt agencies tell them.
And why use a paintball "with deadly shot placement"? Why not still use musket balls if theyre so deadly accurate?
GTFO with this shit.
Won't accept the challenge. It's easier to talk with no experience.

The reason I am suggesting doing it during dear season is so you can see how "easy " it is for hunters. The reason for paintball gun is if you are anti hunting I won't ask you to kill. If you want to legally hunt with a musket fine. If it is easy tell me.

I studied population dynamics and if a population gets too large it will implode. Like chronic wasting disease for instance. But you just go on with you theories based on nothing.
frosty said:
Won't accept the challenge. It's easier to talk with no experience.

The reason I am suggesting doing it during dear season is so you can see how "easy " it is for hunters. The reason for paintball gun is if you are anti hunting I won't ask you to kill. If you want to legally hunt with a musket fine. If it is easy tell me.

I studied population dynamics and if a population gets too large it will implode. Like chronic wasting disease for instance. But you just go on with you theories based on nothing.
I've been hunting and I can spell deer.
This population control is based on nothing and if it worked the game commission wouldnt have had to shoot 600 deer after the season a few years ago and then leave them to rot.
Its easy to keep arguing what your ego tells you when you dont want to use your brain.
frosty said:
I studied population dynamics and if a population gets too large it will implode. Like chronic wasting disease for instance. But you just go on with you theories based on nothing.
Oh so you mean it will be controlled by nature like I already said?
And thats based on nothing you say?
Here's a quarter, go buy a clue.
This is relephant.
Frosty, I beg to differ.  Hunting certainly is a form of population control.  In most parts of the US natural predators have been all but eliminated.  If not for humans ( a predator ) deer would certainly over populate.  It is illegal to hunt humans and look at how they are over populating.  Of course they wont ever allow that sport, so thinking maybe they should put something into the water supply. 
Seriously though, your opinion hints at the idea that humans are not natural predators.  Nothing super natural about human beings.  We are just different from most predators in that our most effective natural weapon is our mind.
ajd~  thanks for your comment.
Apparently, our local hunting season just got extended 2 days to "thin the herd".  What with all the wild fires last year and again this year decimating vegetation, there were a lot of starving animals last year, and F&G figures it will be that bad or worse this year.  Hence an extended hunt to reduce the number of deer vying for food. 
Without hunting the natural state is a sine wave If something pushes the peak too high the trough can go too low. Deer probably won't go extinct but the predators can and have.

If hunters don't thin the herd then I can see why they killed 600 deer. It is a shame, most hunters wouldn't have wasted the meat. Seems like a call for more hunting Not less.

I am typing with my thumbs excuse any errors
Heckle said:
Orange cant be seen by deer supposedly. **They have done studies on the cones and rods in the eye of the deer **  http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1279&context=icwdm_usdanwrc
And why do it during deer season? Dont deer act a little differently during this time? Deer does start to act differently as it is nearing breeding time, hunters wear orange so other hunters can see the orange and dont shoot them. Not all hunters are ethical and will wait to clearly identify the target.
Its not a sport, there's no competition from the other team.  ** The whole definition of a sport makes so many variables, this is a sport or that isn't a sport. I dont call it a sport personally but I can see how there is sporting to it. An individual can go out and try to challenge them self to hunt using the most primitive methods, an individual can challenge them self again by if last year they got a 4 point this year they have to get a 6 point, I mean people can make it a sport one way or another.....meh. My sports are HOCKEY AND FOOTBALL!!!
Its not population control. Populations are controlled by nature with varying factors like available food and habitat. True, however humans have done a poor job controlling their own overpopulation so as global populations increase, an increased demand for food arises. When monsanto is having their x-men corn cobs ate up...blah blah blah https://www.qdma.com/ also the high populations are causing a rapid spread of disease within their species and more mumbo jumbo science stuff http://www.outdoorlife.com/articles/hunting/2015/03/6-new-rules-whitetail-deer-management
These are lies "hunters" egos and govt agencies tell them. My ego does not tell me these things, nor do government agencies tell me these things. Science did a decent job at telling me these things. For me I hunt to be able to harvest my own meat, clean my own kill, process my own cuts, and fill the freezer. I came from northern ny on the canadian border. This is how life aways was, there were a hundred deer to any one person up there and they are tasty. Stores were very far away and since there were no real jobs most of the average income of the town was individuals making a few dollars over minimum at a paper mill. We had moose but no body hunted them as they were to few in number were we lived.
And why use a paintball "with deadly shot placement"? Why not still use musket balls if theyre so deadly accurate? Im guessing it was his challenge for you to try and hunt and see how difficult it is to get a deer and the paintball was is suggestion for a weapon with no deadly force. We can use musket balls, I do, its called muzzle loading  and only open about a week :( I remember muzzle loading when i was about 13, was hunting all day and walking in so was all relaxed and walked up on a  big buck he starts to run I attempt a shot and missed tried running in the direction i believed he was heading to cut him off while trying to reload and broke my ram rod. good time.  lesson of the day carbon fiber rods lol....
GTFO with this shit. *you're right i did have to "Get The Facts Out" with this shit :) ;)