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How close is too close for growing

In the past I've only grown 2 types of peppers, scotch bonnets and Jamaican hot choc.
I was told that I didn't have to worry about cross pollinating with them but as I'm expanding the types I grow I get concerned with this issue. How far apart would plants have to be to avoid this problem? 2ft? 10ft? 100? next county?. Is this really a issue?

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
OhioHeat, Ed G.
Heh - How far do bees and other insects fly during a typical day? And how far can the wind blow a grain of pollen? The answer to that is the answer to how far apart your different varieties need to be in order to avoid cross-pollination. But the real question is what do you intend to do with your seeds? If you intend to sell them and market them as "pure", then you need to take measures to avoid cross-pollination. If, on the other hand, that's not a priority for you, then no biggie if you plant them closer together. I am happy to give seeds away, but let people know my plants grow next to each other.
It's almost certain your chocolate habs and scotch bonnets cross polinated many times since they are such close relatives. It's only really a concern if you want to keep or sell pure-breed seed. If you just want some pure seeds for yourself for next year you can bag a few blossoms and reserve the seeds out of the peppers that form as your keeper seeds.
My intention is purely for my own needs. I just wanted to keep things separated if possible so that they keep their uniqueness. I like my bonnets alone for my own sauces and like to use just the Jam Hot Chocs for beef dishes but in the same breath use them combined for my other dishes along with making many friends and family members happy with a mix of the 2 smoked/dried.
I sort-of knew that I'd have to separate them a great distance but hoping for a magical way around it..hahaha I suppose I could build numerous self-contained greenhouses to keep them in their original form. Maybe if I hit that Powerball tonight for 320Mil...lol

Thanks for the input all.
bag the blossonms... http://thehotpepper.com/topic/38028-bagging-blossoms/

pshngo posted this a few days back http://www.ebay.com/...=item5d3a96f5ac

I might be wrong but from my understanding you only have to bag a few of the blossoms, the bagged pods will be true, the others may not be as they were exposed, so bag based on how many seeds you want to keep.

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]I suppose I could build numerous self-contained greenhouses to keep them in their original form[/background]

The pods will always be true. It is only the seeds that are affected by cross pollination.