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how do i make extract.

how exactly do you make a extract... i know it has something to do with alcohol or something but i dont know the specifics.
Yup. Everclear + peppers + evaporation will give you an extract. However, I'm pretty sure most folks will quickly chime in not to try and make it. There are other methods, some requiring scientific equipment, keytones, industrial solvents, you name it. PepperRidgeFarm had a post a while back where he used Bacardi 151 and pepper powder to make an extract of sorts that looked awesome though!
Here is what it looked like in the bottom of the pan. I'm pretty sure the red is pure capsaisin oil and the yellow is the pepper sugar and 151 residue. I thought about just scraping out the red and having an even more concentrated oil but I was making Fire Sticks and wanted the sugar to help stick to the toothpicks. Extract on a stick! Taste unbelievable garden fresh pepper taste right before your head burst into flames.:mouthonfire:

Dried pepper flakes + 151 wait a week strain thru paper towel and let sit another week to evaporate.
White lightning works a treat. I made some about 5 days ago with 100 proof shine and roughly 3 ounces of dried habs (red, orange, choc).

I steeped the peppers in the shine for about 4 days and then used a double boiler setup (bowl on top of a saucepan of boiling water).

What i was left with is about 40mls of extract, i still don't know what i am going to use it for though as i had some on the end of a toothpick (about the size of a grain of sugar) and it lit me up like a christmas tree. Not the hottest i have tried though that honour goes to Neil, i tried his Naga extract made in the same fashion and that stuff is absolutely un-fuc#in-believable. I was burning, and i really do mean BURNING for about 20 minutes. That stuff takes your breath away and could be used a XXXX strengh mace, i dunno what the schovy rating is but by christ and golly gosh it's sooooooo hot. Tastes unreal though.

Oh yeah don't spill the shine on your hot plate, i did and was waiting for :hell:. Thank Allah that didn't happen.

Edit: Changed how much extract i got due to it still evaporating slowly. Did have 80mls but after furthwer inspection there aint that much..
Novacastrian said:
White lightning works a treat. I made some about 5 days ago with 100 proof shine and roughly 3 ounces of dried habs (red, orange, choc).

I steeped the peppers in the shine for about 4 days and then used a double boiler setup (bowl on top of a saucepan of boiling water).

What i was left with is about 80mls of extract, i still don't know what i am going to use it for though as i had some on the end of a toothpick (about the size of a grain of sugar) and it lit me up like a christmas tree. Not the hottest i have tried though that honour goes to Neil, i tried his Naga extract made in the same fashion and that stuff is absolutely un-fuc#in-believable. I was burning, and i really do mean BURNING for about 20 minutes. That stuff takes your breath away and could be used a XXXX strengh mace, i dunno what the schovy rating is but by christ and golly gosh it's sooooooo hot. Tastes unreal though.

Oh yeah don't spill the shine on your hot plate, i did and was waiting for :hell:. Thank Allah that didn't happen.

That concentrate sounds really wicked. Maybe add a few drops to a hot sauce to kick it up a notch.
Things have changed around here.

Wasn't that long ago when someone would ask this question the entire place would erupt into a DON'T DO IT chorus. Too dangerous for the average Joe.

Things change.

Good luck and please be careful.
patrick said:
Things have changed around here.

Wasn't that long ago when someone would ask this question the entire place would erupt into a DON'T DO IT chorus. Too dangerous for the average Joe.

Things change.

Good luck and please be careful.

Things don't change, it's the fact no one has had an accident yet. They aren't pretty, trust me. I've bascially given up on repeating myself regarding this type of thread. Go ahead make it, just make sure your medical insurance is up to date. And no, I'm not kidding.

I've spoken to people who have done distillations on their stove tops (after I had told them not to), let's just say it's expensive to redo a kitchen. I've had blisters on both of my corneas from a distillation tube that unexpectedly ruptured. I've spoken with others that have received 2nd degree burns on various parts of their bodies while experimenting with distilling extract. I have received a cryo-burn on my left arm from a ruptured o-ring on a liquid CO2 canister. Oh, and there's nothing quite like the feeling of partial involuntary esophageal closure when the reverse pressure fan trips a circuit breaker, and your wife has to drag you out of the room. The list goes on. I can't stop anyone, I can only give advice, advice that is rooted in abject reality.
You would know John. I have taken your advice and steered clear of this one. I do have one question though. Wouldn't the capsaicin you get from habaneros be the same as what you get from nagas? I thought capsaicin is the same from all peppers, it's just the amount you get that changes. Would it taste different?
Here's my advice, don't do it!!!! Other people have good tasting extracts, they've already done the dangerous work for you, buy that, support local business, don't risk life and limb.
Told ya the doom chorus would soon arise! :rofl:

If I were going to do this, I wouldn't muck with the speedy process. I'd go with PRF's method of time. This way the only real trouble you can get into is if you spill the shit on yourself, or decide to try a tablespoon full once you've got a final product.