How do you guys wait for ripe peppers!

just keep yourself busy with other things and time just sorta flies.
no joke, i feel like i have had a constant supply of brazilian starfish this year. every time I go out there are ripe peppers and new pods in various stages.
Need to have a plan on how to use them before they are ripe. If you find yourself in a bind, freeze them. You can dry them later for an almost indefinite shelf life or use them for cooking right from the freezer. Drying and powdering is choice though.
Lol I feel your pain my friend.  This is my first year and I have a ton of green pods that are just starting to turn.  Can't wait!  Good luck on your and keep us posted :)
We are dipping 30's in the evening and I have hundreds of green pods. This year has already been very kind to me. I think you have plenty of time left. I go out about twice a week, and check on things and harvest once a week.
Wait until you're freakin' sick of tending to them, then you won't even want to look at them any more. Especially the big ones. Smaller plants do pretty good. Big plants, on the other hand...... It becomes a chore more than the labor of love that it used to be. I have a seven foot tall, two year old yellow moruga that needs water every single day. It's wilted every evening when I get home from work. I have it in a seven gallon pot, and I can barely keep up with its fert and water needs.
BUT, it's on its second round of production this year, and the peppers make damned good hot salt, so I keep it around.
Streamer said:
Pull them as soon as they start showing their colors..less time and energy for the plant to ripen the others
Are you saying for the pods that have started to turn color, cut them from the plant, and they will finish on their own?  i.e. in a windowsill?
The only drawback to picking them just slightly early as far as I can tell is the complexity of the flavor. The heat is still there just not as good flavor. Best way to tell.....pick a green one, almost ripie one, and a ripe one taste will tell.