How long from flower to ripe pod?

Looks like I finally have some flowers budding up on my Carolina Reapers. That said, what's the average time from flower to ripe pod with the reapers?

slickyboyboo said:
Looks like I finally have some flowers budding up on my Carolina Reapers. That said, what's the average time from flower to ripe pod with the reapers?

About 3 and a half weeks, if the flower sets fruit. It will be a week or so of flowering before any do that though.
cruzzfish said:
About 3 and a half weeks, if the flower sets fruit. It will be a week or so of flowering before any do that though.
Interesting. I suppose it depends on a number of factors, including environment, seed scource, etc. In my case I set Naga Vipers, Brown Morugas, Red Bhut x Unknown Chinense cross, Orange SB, reapers, and pink tigers about a month and a half ago and still havent gotten ripened pods from any of them. I'm hoping they go ripe before season ends in the northeast.
3 & 1/2 weeks from flower to ripe pod?
Wow, I'm in my 5th season of growing peppers and other than maybe jalapeños, I have never ever had pods form and ripen so quickly.
Depends on conditions but generally i would say that from flower to ripe pod on Carolina Reaper takes around 4 or 5 months.
slickyboyboo said:
3.5 weeks to 5 months is a huge variation.
That's because 3.5 weeks is hogwash.

Everything I have has always been around a month to ripen AFTER the pod reaches mature size. So I've had some get to size in two and a half weeks and some take a month.

Conservatively say about 8-9 weeks after flower set.