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hobbies How many people are gamers?

The only game I've been playing since about 10 years ago is, IMO, the best game ever: Wolfenstein Enemy Territory. "ET" is a great and absolutely funny multiplayer game. I love it!
A hug!
have a 360 and waiting on the new COD AW package deal to come with better xbox one. as for XBOX I'm mainly into COD...and still love the MW3 while others are so so...hoping that AW is kinda like MW3 for the weapon/perk options & special op's for play against computer, like online play but damn most people on there are GOOD and kick your ass :lol:
 don't like playing the campaigns and never do, IMO those are the dumbest thing ever made for a game and a waste for a game, but that's my opinion.
only like playing against the computer/online in random play or with other people. the campaigns are dumb cuz this is your mission...you have to do this...you cant do that....blah,blah,blah you have 1 handgun against 50 guys blah,blah.....dumb
though I really like PC games like empire earth, age of empires, starcraft....empire earth (1st, expansion pack (conquest) was a killer game then they destroyed the game by changing all the basics that made the game great in their 2nd EE.....AOE was also a great game til later when they started going too far with the changes.
if the game is great, theres a reason why its great....don't change the basics of the game, only improve on the graphics and some options of the game or more maps......never change the basics of the game that made it great!!! like so many game developers do :rolleyes:  :banghead:
A week and a half in and I'm already Division 3 in FIFA Ultimate Team, and my Germany/Bundesliga squad is pretty beastly.  I'm definitely progressing much more quickly on FIFA 15 than I did on 14.  And with the lawn mowed and my schedule free until later today, I'm hopeful I can make it down to Division 2 or 1 before tonight.

All of the technical issues aside, which were really no different from last year's release, this game is a vast improvement over FIFA 14.  The focus is now on passing and dribbling, instead of on easy crosses and headers.  It is much more challenging, by far.
Hoping there are some left here you can get Survarium closed beta key (a friend of mine just got one 1 hour ago):

It's made by people of ex gsc games that were going to make Stalker 2. There's just PvP but also PvE and Coop are planned.
It's a nearly hardcore fps, with loads of guns to unlock, loads armor, experience, factions and reputation...
But more importantly shooting is so cool! Very deadly, often 1 hit kill or 1 burst kill.
Oh, and it doesn't seem pay to win.

Also is realtively lightweight, graphics are good and maps are cool

Do yourself a favour and get a key! :D

Servers are in Russia, in Italy i have 90-100 ping but it's not an issue since while being fast paced it's not definetly an arena. Like a middle between Counter Strike and Red Orchestra as pacing.
I've been playing a LOT of Nosgoth.  Few games make me angrier, but I can't seem to stop for whatever reason...  Still playing a little BF4 with the clan, but most of them are playing Eve right now and I don't know if I can handle another MMO...  Anyone know if Destiny is going to get a port to PC?
PC gamer here ;)
Mainly play FPS's and puzzle/adventure games.
Santa was kind enough to get me this for Xmas, Dell curved 34" monitor, 3440 x 1440 res. Man, this monitor is so damn immersive for gaming and movies. :drooling:

Couple of game screenies.
Dragon Age: Inquisition:

The Talos Principle:

Colin mc rae dirt 2 has my vote for best race game ever.
Was 6the of the world when servers still online! Played it for years and years hours and hours :)
nuclearDays said:
PC gamer here ;)
Mainly play FPS's and puzzle/adventure games.
Santa was kind enough to get me this for Xmas, Dell curved 34" monitor, 3440 x 1440 res. Man, this monitor is so damn immersive for gaming and
word. thats my next resolution.
ive been running a 2560x1440 for a few years... 3440 is the next logical step imo.
 fwiw, they are saying the consumer version of the oculus will be 21:9, probably close to 3440 @ 70 Hz
It doesn't make it run slowly, and games fit it just fine? I didn't get one because I heard that they had issues because not enough games could go to 4k
3440 isnt 4k. its closer to 2.5k.
one cannot really game on 4k without a 3 thousand dollar pc.... yet anyway.  thats why these monitors are pimp. sweet little middle ground.
most new games will fit just about all resolutions... once you get into really old games, no they wont support 21:9 or any high resolutions for that matter.
these games are upscaled in the nvidia process what ever its called.
CES just dropped several new 3440 monitors... prices hopefully will drop down below 700 bucks, which considering the current price of smallish 4k monitors... is where these 3440 monitors need to be to make sense to folks.
console games arent 60fps?
the oculus actually is targeting 90 hertz btw. i said 70 above.
90 hz at potentially 3440x1440... i hope thats not as bad as it sounds.
queequeg152 said:
console games arent 60fps?
the oculus actually is targeting 90 hertz btw. i said 70 above.
90 hz at potentially 3440x1440... i hope thats not as bad as it sounds.
Oculus is something special. And the resolution 34x14 at 90 is actually pretty  good. But consoles don;t usually go above 30fps. It isn't needed unless you have careful eyes though.