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How much would you spend on your dog?

So my wife and I have a 6 year old Beagle who has been having neck/back issues for approximately 3-4 weeks. She has been seen by my Veterinarian and given medication to relieve the pain and hopefully cure the issue. I spent approximately $500.00 for x rays, meds, office visit etc... No go. Monday night, the pain she was experiencing was enough that we brought her to the emergency vet for an overnight stay and attempt to get another opinion. Their only recommendation was to bring her to a specialty vet clinic so that advice and overnight stay cost another $300.00. I brought her in for an emergency visit this morning. When it was all said and done, all testing and if surgery is needed is going to be approximately $6500.00!!!!! All I can say is holy guacamole. So I gave them half down and I'm awaiting their results of a MRI which is supposed to be administered tomorrow. At what point is enough, enough? I obviously love my dogs but what I could of done with $7300.00! And no, I'm not independently wealthy, just your average middle class working man. Guess I just wanted to vent. These vet clinics have you under their little fingers, what else are you supposed to do?
My bassett hound tried to take a cookie away from my beagle the first day they met. $ 1200 dollars of surgery later you can barely tell the beagle did not let her have the cookie. It sucks but unless it is going to put me into bankruptcy.. I would have a hard time saying no. although if the procedure only had say a 10% of working It might be more humane not to do it. Back problems are tough. My prayers are with you.
I look at things a bit different i suppose. When i was growing up the only dogs i had contact with were working dogs on cattle stations or pigging dogs. Vets notoriously charge out the wazoo because they know we love our animals and know that they can rip you off as much as they want.
I recently had to find a home for my dog and was lucky that a friend was willing to provide him a place to live, for 50 clams a week that i offered her. It was coming to the point though that i was going to have to give my dog away if i didn't find a place of my own though.

At the end of the day they are only animals and i would take the road of a twenty cent piece of lead in the back of the head. I know it seems callous and one would miss their dog horribly but even the thought of a vet charging 300-400 for putting the dog down AND the fact that they use what, 20 bucks worth of drugs to do the job makes me sick to think about. Having to put your dog down and paying someone else to do it just doesn't sit right with me.

The world is coming to the point were animals are treated better than humans but i don't buy into that BS. If you can't afford it or you just think that the vets bill is outragous i would recommend putting your dog down. You love your dog but work damn hard for the money that you earn.

My 2 cents.
My wife Grew up on a desert ranch. Same thing ... dogs were loved but were workers first. coyotes made having them as pets hard as they would never last very long. She would not spend the money. She likes my beagle but he is just a dog not a pet to her. Luckily the kids and I out vote her. Lol
Hey Nova what vet charges that much were iam its only around 75 to 110 its best to have pet insurence it helps some can afford it others cant its down to how much you love your animal to what people can afford
kcso53 I feel for you . At times it's hard to make the decision on which way to go. To bad the dog can't speak to tell us what they want. For myself I've stated my view on my life and how I want to be treated and things taken care of. But with our dogs it's all in our hands. My dogs , not my wife's dogs have been my best mates/friends . The most loyal friends I've had. Mine also are working dogs more or less. Their job is to keep the bad bowys at bay !! I have a small recording studio with lots of equipment. I also have my jewelry making equipment and supplies. I worked hard to get this stuff. Even in my city times have changed and people will rip you off in a second. So folks say call the cops when you're faced with trouble. How long will it take them to get to you ? Others say have a gun. These days bad bowys will call your bluff about shooting them. Nobody seems to want to call the bluff of a big dog.

I had a dog Biggie that I helped bring into the world. So he was dear to me. He also caught a kid that thought he'd steal some of my equipment. The sad thing was I had been helping this kid to learn to use recording equipment. So he'd been in my house many times. Biggie was trained to stay under a table and just "watch" people. If they got freaky he'd remind them he was there. When I got home the kid was crying at the front door. Every time he'd try to open the door , Biggie would peg him. Biggie got cancer at a young age . The vet worked with him but ened up saying there little that could be done. So it was in my hands. Biggie , like people do , would have terrible times then great times. He'd climb the mountain and seem great then fall to valley floor. As time went on he'd climb but not reach as high. This went on for about two years. I spent a lot of money and knew what the end would be. I never regretted it. He was happy to see me even on the bad days. Then one day he "told " me the time had come. He died with us laying side by side.

Vets can be pricey true. Find a good Vet is all I can say. Mine hasn't charged me many times. He does work for nothing with the dog shelters too. I think he deserves to make a living and have a great life with his family. I don't do much work for nothing do you ? By that I mean I know I have to make money to live so I can't do everything for free .

Guess that was more than needed. In the photo you see Biggie & his mother Calypso

Peace & Good luck

You don't spend more on a dog than you paid for it. . . unless you're independently wealthy. No really, like for like my mutt, the most I'm going to spend is $500 at the vet. After that it's time to put them out of their misery. I love my dog, but it's a dog.
Spent 50 bucks on my first dog when he was still inside the womb a staffy. I crushed him accidently with a shipping container and my heart broke along with a litre of jack daniels. His name was pope fucka, we called him jack and he was the best dog ever.

Now i have JayT, stands for Jack Two. His mum was husky his dad malamute.
Cost me 350. Best money ever spent.
So far.
I've found that true dog(pet) lovers, and responsible animal owners usually don't mind the vet fees that accompany ownership. Yeah, they're really high, but most doctors are anymore. :eek:

I tend to be a bit more pragmatic about it.....like hot stuff seems to be. I don't currently own any animals. Not because I don't like them, but I simply don't have the time or the money it would take to do it in a caring, responsible manner.
Thats a tough call - The most I have spent is around 750$ I fell on my puppy and messed his knee up. BUt I have had another dog that had tumers in her bladder that I wasnt going to do - still miss her - Overall its their quality of life - how long would the surgery be good for ? will it remove the pain forever. What is causing the pain? is it genetic and can happen elswhere in her back? If its as simple as having the surgery and have a "normal" life then I would try to make arrangments with the vet. Otherwise...
My big mutt was a rescue and I think I donated $50 to SPCA for him. He began his life being neglected, beaten and essentially left for dead. When I first saw him, he was so severely infected with mange, they told me they might have to put him down. I've been very fortunate so far with vet bills on his behalf but would most likely give what little I have for him. This "only a dog" has brought more joy and love to this family than I can imagine and has never asked for anything in return. He is pretty much one of my children (my number one furry son) and I feel it is my responsibility to care for him until the very end. That is the least I can do for him.

The cats on the other hand... :hell: :hell: :hell:
I feel that if you take on the responsibility of owning a dog, then you take on the responsibility of giving them the best care you can. Whilst vet bills can be expensive, if it were me, I'd be paying out whatever it takes to ensure my dogs are well looked after and not suffering. Your beagle is only 6 years old so assuming this is an issue that can be fixed, she's easily got another 4-6 years of a happy life with you and your wife.

I've got 2 jack russells and so far have spent well more than i would have liked (more than $3,000) , but at the end of the day, they're still a big part of our lives and I wouldnt want to see them suffer.

You dont know for sure that you will have to go ahead with surgery, and you also dont know if it is life threatening.. if it were me, I'd be paying out the $$ until we could either resolve the issue, or knew that the pain they'd be in would not be worth continuing. It would be a heartbreaking decision, but I'd rather cough up the cash instead of investing 20c on a piece of metal to do the job. Its not always about the money..

Hope everything turns out ok

My dog passed away a little under five years ago, she was almost 19 years old. I'm 29 years old, and throughout the majority of my lifetime I've had a dog; the same dog. She started out as a family pet when I was a child, and then came with me when I moved out of my Mom's house. Let me tell you, I will never have another dog. The pain and anguish I felt when she died was unbearable. With the exception of my current girlfriend, I've never known a human being that I loved as much as my dog. When she died I lived alone, I had no spouse, significant other, or children. My parents lived in different states. That "animal" was my entire world. Granted I had a lot of veterinarian bills taking care of a sick old dog for so long, but One must ask themselves. Would it be worth it if it were family? And is a dog family? The answer is different for different people. Not everyone has the same relationship with their pets. But one should consider the level of emotional pain they'll feel after that pet passes away, and think how much money it should cost to avoid that pain.
Look at it from the dog's point of view....I'll bet he values you more highly than you value him.
He's a partner, not chattel.
I didn't take score about who'd have concern about paying a vet and taking care of a pet vs it's worth . Most seemed care and would step up to the plate. Some in this group had issues about part of that , will things be better ? For how long ? Will it still live in constant pain ? All things a person has to reach inside and decide.

In my mind willard3 said it best so far ...... "Look at it from the dog's point of view....I'll bet he values you more highly than you value him. He's a partner, not chattel. "

My dawgs have always been my parters in crime . When the wife was vexed ..... my buddy always looked at be with a happy dawg grin as if saying " Dang we had fun didn't we ? " I can take the trash out without the dog and got greeted like I had gone on a 3 month trip when I came back in. Got the Bluzzz... ? Nothing like having someone love you regardless of yourself.

So for myself " He's a partner, not chattel "

P. Dreadie
Nuff repects kcso53 ,

I hope everything goes smooth and you , along with the rest of the family have a long time enjoying your dog. I'm sure the love will be paid back dozens for the love you showed. And your animals always give the love blindly. No judgement

Peace & Good Luck ,
P. Dreadie