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seeds How often do you guys water your seedlings?

first the obvious , when the top soil is dry , just spray with distilled water lightly around the plant not to much , and not to close to base of stem , ( don't want to rot ) run small fan over them on timer fresh air flow a must also .
I watered my 72 cell seed trays when the top of the soil was dry and the tray was light. Sometimes I got to them a bit late and they were a little wilted but bounced right back once watered.
around every 5 days, bottom water, depends on your soilmix a lot.
When they are really young(still only have cotys) i keep them damp all the time. if they dry out too much at this stage they will die very easily.
When they have a couple true leaves i let the soil get a little dry before water.
Also depends on what medium you used for them and what environment conditions are (ie. jiffy plugs and seed starting media will dry out very quickly and if in 100+ degree low humidity area you can lose the seedlings in less than 30 minutes if they dry out due to the sun reaching a certain angle through the window sill and magnifying the heat  :cry:  (speaking from personal experience !! )