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how old is too old?

so how old is too old for a pepper?

i had a cayenne that was 3 years old and it produced so well that it broke with the weight of peppers on it at the time.. it died that winter.. but that was probably because i didnt do much to over winter it..
sicman i was not asking your age lol! jk! :rofl: thanks for the answer, ill make sure to overwinter my best plants this year and next season will be year 2 for my datils! hope they make it to year 4!!
well, I'm in my late 20s, so early 30s would be about the limit for me. The other way, maybe someone in, or who is old enough to have graduated from college...

oh wait, you meant plants.

most chilis live at least 5 years, some - manzanos for instance, can survive for up to 15.

Some varieties people have reported that the older the plant, the better the production... I think for many this is a product of pruning... For others - like Manzano, I think it is simply age.
I have a Cheyenne F1 that was given to me as a fully formed, producing plant and it is in its third year with me, so it is at the very least 3 years old, if not 4.
All I have done to it is for the past few years is to trim the roots a little, put into a smaller pot and prune it back from this:


To this (with a lot of leaf drop because of the lesser amount of light:


And then a few months later it looks like this :


As it stands I've counted over 45 pods on this tiny plant which is less than a foot high! I guess I would have to say that this thing has produced more and more each year.