• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
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    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

Just cut up a load of pods, yet again made mistake of touching my face :) . Had a bit of a nibble and some of my yellow 7 r more sweet than hot? Still bloody hot . One looked full of jelly had to lick it and holy s$?!!))?.$&@@@-:;,??,,,,$????&&$'!!!!!!

And I forgot to take pics


VB... Ya filthy prick. Looking for a mans beer drink Bush Chook
Ah, so it is rot then, Kev? (didn't see this before posting in Moo's thread)

Don't know what Bush Chook is but it has to be better than VB! :P :lol: Go the XXXX. Goldies or heavies I will drink if I have to. ;)
Kev , mate just to let you know , the wife pulled through ok , it was scary there for a while , i was going to start flicking yogert at her, but but shes as tough as old boots and just gritted her teeth.

By the way love your pods and the dog poo on my thong.

Note to book , DO not grind powder without gloves when you have a hot date with the wife that night.
Woke up this morning to discover that every pod I had has been eaten by rats. This isn't as much of a tragedy as it sounds since "every pod" was about a dozen pods on the jalapeno, but it's annoying. This place is overrun with rats so it's very strange to me that they didn't hit it before this time. I did pick off a couple of heat-damaged pods and toss them into the garden earlier in the week. Perhaps they got a taste for them and came seeking more.

Anyway, I'll be moving to a rat-free location over the next couple of weeks so when my other plants begin to pod up they should be safe. I just hope that my balcony (it's an apartment) gets enough sun for them.

Second top floor here - the balcony is on the South-east corner of the block. Will I be able to put peppers up by the rail and have them do ok? I don't particularly want to hae a forest of them there. I was wondering if something exists to create a sort of two-tiered shelf effect.

In other news, the plants that survived the "big scorch" that I got from Megamoo are starting to improve and some of my own superslow seedlings are starting to look strong. Pics of those in the next day or so.
They are some real lush-ass plants, Kev... especially considering they are in pots! :onfire: If my plants in pots looked even half as good as that, I would be a very happy man!

You and Todd got some growing secrets you're not sharing??? :snooty: