• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

Wicked list happening there Mate . Looks like you will be in for a hot season.
Ill post up my growlist soon.

I usually use debco organic potting mix with perlite added and wormcastings if I can get hold of them. Only thing is Masters is the place I have been getting fencing and now they are going. Will have to source something else out.
Should be debco not fencing. Bloody spell check
Hi Damien welcome :) nice pics

Micca, I know what you mean about the Debco I heard it was good but held beck because I didn't want to find a great mix only to not be able to get it thanks to masters closing.

I'm trying a few at the moment but mostly the Baileys. All with perlite, time will tell which mix is best..
Used to use Bailey's Premium mix. It's pretty good

Nice going there Damien. Once you get bitten by the Chilli bug there no turning back :-)
Scotch Bonnets have wicked flavour and make for a great seasoning when dried and powdered
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone,  :dance:
Getting pretty excited to get cracking for this years season, I'm starting late because of how bad the weather's been.
But here are my chilli plants at the moment, pretty dismal, they were all in pots last year and haven't coped with the transplant well, may have to dig them all up and make a proper garden bed, but hey we're all here to better our gardens right? I'm just in the lucky place where I can't get any worse  :party:
Orange Hab - Sun got to it last year and it's been spitting out tiny little habs

Birs Eye


Another Birds eye

Another Orange hab

Penis peppers

The mother birds eye.. keeps spitting out pods all year round

And what's left of the choc hab

Pretty dismal but will bet better this season.
Edit: Spelling mistakes
Yep, I thought I had them in undercover enough to survive but now with a bit of blood and done, seasol and some TLC they should spring into action.
Also bought some seeds today
Butch T Scorpion
Yellow 7 Pod
St Martins Habanero
Antillias Caribbean
Peach Fatali
Should go well with the flavours we're after.
Bored at work, was able to find some old photos on my Dropbox,
Back when I first started. Ghetto but works.



And before the transplant into the ground where my plants all died :(

@Localfart I see you have typical WA sandy soil there. I know the Green Life soil company in Perth has a product that helps to turn sand into soil. Or you could buy some compost and cow manure from Bunnings and mix that through. The one good thing about the sandy soil is that it drains well. I would recommend mulching too you don't want the sun to hit that sand it will cook your plants.

How do you guys go about posting pics? I only have an iPhone and I'm shit with that sort of thing..
Hey Jase,
Yeah I've mixed a bit of potting mix in with the sand underneath, but I might give that stuff from Green Life a go, They are about 3 minute drive from my house  :party:
I am seeing how these plants go over the next 2 weeks or so to see if I should dig them up and make a raised garden bed. Or just leave them be.
If you have a choice then I'd go raised garden bed! I find a raised garden bed on top of a sand base gives awesome drainage and you can't get flooded
Yeah I think that's ideal, I might even go to to extreme of putting some gravel or blue metal underneath with a runoff so the drainage is really good... but I'll see how these go for now, I might not even need to for the older plants and I can just focus on the new ones for this season.
Blue metal on the bottom would give great drainage. I'll keep that idea in mind. Post pics if you do it would love to see how it turns out.

Just updated my grow list. I'm getting rid of..
Butch T scorpion
Carolina reaper
Red bhut

And replacing with..
Peach bhut SS PL
P. Dreadie SS Scotch Bonnet
Red Bhut (better strain)

Thanks to Tom (cloudhand) for the seeds I owe you mate
Jase4224 said:
How do you guys go about posting pics? I only have an iPhone and I'm shit with that sort of thing..
With posting pics you have to use a picture hosting site. They are free and will let you pick what size you want and once uploaded will give you links.
Just copy the direct link into the thread by clicking on the picture symbol in the menu above and inserting the direct link.
I use something like this https://postimage.org/   but I am using a computer and not a phone but cant see why it wouldnt be the same.
Jase4224 said:
Blue metal on the bottom would give great drainage. I'll keep that idea in mind. Post pics if you do it would love to see how it turns out.
Yeah I'll wait to see how my new seedlings go and then make a planter box with some decent photos to go along with it :) but yeah the blue metal should keep the drainage going, but I just home it doesn't drain too much and dry the plants out.
Awesome I'll be following.

Btw the Ravenswood Hotel is hosting a Chilli festival on November 26th so hope some Perth growers can make it! I've been talking to the chefs and they are organising some great spicy foods I think it will be a great day :)