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How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

Happy new year all !
My morning pick
cool, is that a composter?? looks the goods nice and easy and not sore on the eyes.

All the worms in my warm farm died...over the last week of 40 degrees i forgot that it was in the sun for a few hours a day..you can imagine the results. Mass genocide on my behalf..

Ive had a hell of a lot of flower drop recently with the heat, no pods just all the flowers ready to go
From Brisbane here but my first lot of ghosts just sprouted. Only planted them about 2 weeks back. Lucky my little garden is in a shady area so they only get a little morning sun.
Hi Benji, I haven't seen you around... welcome. I'll be moving to brissy mid year. Can't wait!

I ate on of these guys because I'm impatient but more out of curiosity to see if it had any heat.
This is the so called ghost pepper.The jury is still out on that. But....WOW. For a green pod it kicked my ass. It also had an distinct fruity flavour like passion fruit. I can't wait for more of these bad boys. I lost count at 50 so any Perth folk who want to try your more than welcome.
Does anyone want to buy my propagation box? I'm moving to Brisbane and want to get rid of it (wont need one there :D).
It's made from white coat melamine. Roughly 300x500x900 (too lazy to get measuring tape). Comes with a propagation light (a real one, none of this Fluro crap), heat mat, plastic propagation box. I'll even throw in a timer, thermometer and ph/light/moisture meter. I've spent around $200 on this set up. I'm happy to sell for $80. PM me if your interested.
Hi Benji, I haven't seen you around... welcome. I'll be moving to brissy mid year. Can't wait!

I ate on of these guys because I'm impatient but more out of curiosity to see if it had any heat.
This is the so called ghost pepper.The jury is still out on that. But....WOW. For a green pod it kicked my ass. It also had an distinct fruity flavour like passion fruit. I can't wait for more of these bad boys. I lost count at 50 so any Perth folk who want to try your more than welcome.

I've just been lurking a bit. Only just started growing so completely new to it all
My new toy

What the hell is it.... a raffle drawer or something?? :lol:

Lavatung.... winter here is great for growing and all :D but a germ box and light still comes in handy. I still use a heat mat and germ box for winter starts and a light is great for extra afterhours light. ;)

Looks like we have much the same equipment. Is that a GroLux fluoro? And a Heat'n'Grow mat? And my germ box looks the same except the tray is a tan/orange colour. I had to take a double look! :lol:
Looks like we have much the same equipment. Is that a GroLux fluoro? And a Heat'n'Grow mat? And my germ box looks the same except the tray is a tan/orange colour. I had to take a double look! :lol:

Wait a second whats going on here!

Lavatung & Gasificada Both grow chillies, use the same equipment, live in the same city (soon to be), and never seen together at the same time!!! :shocked:
yeah they are big ol chilies! I'm yet to eat one! can't imagine they are too hot.

Those jamacains I'm keen to eat though! Some of those are fairly large too...bit scary looking
Just cut up a load of pods, yet again made mistake of touching my face :) . Had a bit of a nibble and some of my yellow 7 r more sweet than hot? Still bloody hot . One looked full of jelly had to lick it and holy s$?!!))?.$&@@@-:;,??,,,,$????&&$'!!!!!!

And I forgot to take pics


Butchies!!! :cool:

I woke up with burning feet this morning... :lol: Packed a bunch of seeds yesterday (without gloves) and ended up with some mild hunan hand. Must have been touching my feet in my sleep or something! :crazy: Or maybe it was a delayed reaction after washing my feet in the shower last night and transferring the oil or something......
Butchies!!! :cool:

I woke up with burning feet this morning... :lol: Packed a bunch of seeds yesterday (without gloves) and ended up with some mild hunan hand. Must have been touching my feet in my sleep or something! :crazy: Or maybe it was a delayed reaction after washing my feet in the shower last night and transferring the oil or something......
Lol may be its athletes foot , pee on it or so they say :)

Dehydrator is funking the street out, cops will be rnd thinking I got a meth lab . Mmm wonder if cops like chillis