How to apply insecticidal soap?

Any tips on the best way to apply insecticidal soap without harming the plant?  I have read different conflicting things online.
Best time of day to apply?  Rinse the soap off after a period of time (how long)?  Leave on plant until it rains?  Try to minimize soap in the soil?
Does the soap damage your plants?  Use abundantly and regularly,  or try to minimize applications?
What is your current procedure of application?
spicy.curry said:
Any tips on the best way to apply insecticidal soap without harming the plant?  I have read different conflicting things online.
Best time of day to apply?  Rinse the soap off after a period of time (how long)?  Leave on plant until it rains?  Try to minimize soap in the soil?
Does the soap damage your plants?  Use abundantly and regularly,  or try to minimize applications?
Main thing is be sure to be generous, getting tops and
bottoms of leaves, and stems was well. give it a good
soaking. No need to rinse off. I never apply more often
than necessary. Repeat applications are called for in
heavy infestations. Time of day is less important than
weather conditions. Never spray anything on the plant
in sunny weather, wait until evening, or do it in cloudy
The instructions on the Safer Insecticidal Soap are pretty

I applied thoroughly this morning the safer brand soap. Will not rinse off. This is my first time using insecticidal soap. I have had good growth for several weeks despite distorted leaves. I was hesitant to treat when they are growing well and I cant see any insects, but I think I must have mites or something small that I cant see.

Instructions say to test a small area of the plant first and check for damage, and to use a maximum of 3 times to prevent damage. I was a little concerned the soap might do more damage than the pests. Some reviewers of the product complained that it killed their plant.
spicy.curry said:

I applied thoroughly this morning the safer brand soap. Will not rinse off. This is my first time using insecticidal soap. I have had good growth for several weeks despite distorted leaves. I was hesitant to treat when they are growing well and I cant see any insects, but I think I must have mites or something small that I cant see.

Instructions say to test a small area of the plant first and check for damage, and to use a maximum of 3 times to prevent damage. I was a little concerned the soap might do more damage than the pests. Some reviewers of the product complained that it killed their plant.
You can always just use hose to spray the bugs off

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First time in pots this year  (5 gal buckets) for me and having to deal with aphids. The most effective so far was the soap spray, but I still have them at a much reduced level, but if I don't keep after them, they multiply quickly (from birth to reproducing adult, 8 days).  I saw info online that using worm castings, mixed into the soil  will absorb into the plant and kill the aphids that eat the sap. Only 2 days into it so time will tell for me. So far it seems to be helping, but I also have been squishing the suckers by hand. This is kinda like spraying bt spray onto tomato plants to kill horn worms. I was wondering if this info might apply to whatever you think might be eating your plants. The beauty of it is you don't have to continually  keep spraying the soap solution which may or may not affect the plant. The con is worm castings are not cheap, but hey, your probably growing what you can't buy at the store or farmer's market, so ya do what cha can do. 