How to keep seeds?

I've got a few peppers I'd like to keep the seeds for next years planting. Tabasco and Mutton peppers. What is the best way to keep the seeds until next year, to guarantee they will grow?
Thanks for the help.
Sorry about the mutton pepper... I see others on this forum call them goat or Bonda peppers. But thanks for any help.
Once they're thoroughly dried you can keep them in an envelope or ziplock baggie. Just toss em in a drawer and they should be good to go next year. They'll be good for a couple of years this way. If you were to plan to store longer you could put them in an airtight container (in an envelope/baggie) and store in the bottom of the fridge. Might want to toss in some silica packets for good measure.
Not sure if you've dried your seeds yet or not but if you haven't, I just spread mine out on a paper plate/paper towel and just allow to air dry for a couple of weeks. If they bend when you try to bend them they aren't completely dry yet. Or if you plan to dehydrate your peppers in a dehydrator, if you dry at low temp (around 90) the seeds will be good to go and can be stored like above.
In summary:
1) make sure they're dry
2) keep them dry
3) don't ever let them get too hot (long hot summers have killed many a seed)
4) If can't control temp, refrigerator works fine (stay away from that spot that always freezes your veggies or milk)
5) Label them so when you find them 2 years later you'll know what they are
6) Plant them so you have an abundant supply of fresh pods
I air dry all seeds for a week or two and then freeze them,they remain frozen till I pull them for seasonal germination runs
Soak them in water for 2-3 days and drop'em in dirt
Ill germ 20 seeds and take the 5-6 strongest seedlings  and grow them out,the rest of the slow and puny are culled and sent to compost heaven