• If you need help identifying a pepper, disease, or plant issue, please post in Identification.

how to make pepper extract

Capsaicin is alcholol saluable, as far as the exact instructions, I don't know. Probably can use the same method for cap that you do for psylysibin.....
...as if everybody and his granny knew that!!! :)

I have read how to do it once and I can't recall it tbh, but I remember that it was

-very time consuming
-and needed a s**tload of hot peppers.

The people who posted the method said the results were good, but they couldn't recommend it for the reasons mentioned above.
50 lbs orange habs = 4 ounces orange habanero extract (seems this is what Creator said)
i read this on the net. would something like this work? it sounds feasible
Posted by menaark 7ARK (My Page) on Tue, Jan 16, 07 at 18:29

So you wanna make pepper extract? Here’s how.
What’s really gonna happen will be the extraction of capsaicin from your hot peppers with an organic solvent.
Capsaicin is an oleoresin found in many plants, principally in peppers, or "capsicums". The hotter the pepper, the more capsaicin present. To separate the capsaicin (the hot stuff) from the pepper (the other stuff), you can use a very common and relatively inexpensive organic solvent known as ethanol, a.k.a. pure grain alcohol, or even plain old vodka.
The method I use is very simple and very effective. First I get a quantity of dried peppers of choice (I use habaneras because I like their taste), and grind them coarsely. I place the ground peppers in a sealable jar and add enough grain alcohol to just cover. I put the lid securely on the jar and give it a good shake, and put it in the fridge. Every time I think about it, I give the jar another good shake.
After 3 or 4 days, I set up another sealable jar with a funnel. Inside the funnel I place a coffee filter. Then I pour the peppers that have been soaking in the alcohol into the filter, and let them drain completely. I seal the second jar containing the pepper extract and alcohol and put it in the fridge. Then I return the drained ground peppers to the first jar, cover again with alcohol, seal, shake and return to the fridge remembering to shake occasionally for another 3 or 4 days. Then I repeat the filtering process, reserving the filtered extract in the second jar as before. To be on the safe side, I flush the now spent ground peppers down the toilet and place their jar in the trash.
The filtered alcohol contains a considerable amount of capsaicin and you can taste it. But, PLEASE do it this way until you’re sure you can handle the heat!!!!
Dip the mere tip of a toothpick into the liquid. Shake it off. And only then, place the mere tip of the toothpick to your tongue. DON’T LICK IT !!!!! Do this only once, because it may take several seconds for you to realize the heat. If it is too hot , DON’T DRINK WATER! Drink milk, eat some cheese or even eat some sugar. BUT, DON’T DRINK WATER!
Pour the strained liquid into something like a glass pie pan, cover with cheese cloth, and set in a dark place to allow the alcohol to evaporate. After the alcohol evaporates, you will be left with capsaicin oil. This is VERY, VERY HOT STUFF! It’s dangerous if misused.
Studying hard on the idea
I don't know about safer but i have always wondered if one could extrct the oil with Butane. I have used this method to extract the oil from cannabis before with much success.
Basically fill a tube with organic matter and pass liquid Butane through it, then after the Butane evaporates you mix the substance with a little alcohol to dissolve any Butane that may be left over from the process.

I'll get some dried peppers and do a small scale test. I'll let you guys know how it goes :)
That extraction process works very well. I use a couple of improvements that help speed it up some.

First, let me make it clear that this should NOT be done in any place even close to pilot lights or any type of open flame. NO KIDDING. It's highly flammable and you wouldn't want to burn your house down for a little extract.

You can use this method to extract almost any type of flavor from your favorite foods. It works with lots of stuff.

1. Use a food processor to totally liquefy the peppers. Do not add any water. You can use a little Vodka in it to make it less viscous.

2. Use a GLASS jar. No plastic stuff. I use a gallon jar with a tight fitting lid.

3. I do one soak. My soak is for two weeks. That includes a good shake every day.

4. When ready, filter out the solids and then pour it into a glass baking dish with low sides. Mine is 4.5 Liter

5. Do this OUTSIDE.

6. I put it on my covered porch with a small electric fan blowing directly on it on a nice hot day. It only takes one day. I start it when I go to work and it's done by the time I get home.

7. The person who wrote the one quoted is right; THIS STUFF IS STRONG.

Please be careful. Using butane leaves petro chems in it that may leave you with more than you want. The same chems are blamed for lots of cancers. I use plain old 100 proof Vodka. It works just fine.

The soak time and shaking is to make sure all the oils are put into solution with the Vodka. When you filter it, wear rubber gloves and press the pepper solids extremely well to make sure you get all the oils out of it.

Remember; one trip to the emergency room is $1,000. It's not a very good way to make your sauces if you include that cost.
menguyen89 said:
sounds spicy. so does it matter whether you start with hydrated peppers or dried out ones?
You can hydrate them prior to using the food processor by putting them into some Vodka for 24 hours. That will make the oils more readily available to be incorporated into solution when processed. It's not rocket science. However you do it, you have to get the peppers mushed into the vodka.
Hey Nat, i probably wouldn't consume the oil extracted with Butane, although i would have to taste a little bit! I just like doing these things to satisfy my curious mind :)
Thanks for letting me know it works too.
Novacastrian said:
Hey Nat, i probably wouldn't consume the oil extracted with Butane, although i would have to taste a little bit! I just like doing these things to satisfy my curious mind :) Thanks for letting me know it works too.
I read an article about 2 years ago about a young man who extracted the oils from some cannabis using the butane method. A spark was somehow struck and they said his body was blown in half by the blast.

I would seriously think about it before using this method and if it's worth the risk.

Full can of butane in one hand, a partially pressurized and dripping PVC tube of butane in the other hand while holding both within a couple of feet of your crotch, heart and head. Sounds like a recipe for disaster. "Man's Body found with Pepper Embedded in scull." hehe, NOT

so vodka and pods 2 thing i like!
It sounds easy enough, just like making chilli vodka then taking it one step further, i think i can see my self trying this, just for something to do over the winter!
NatGreenMeds said:
I read an article about 2 years ago about a young man who extracted the oils from some cannabis using the butane method. A spark was somehow struck and they said his body was blown in half by the blast.

I would seriously think about it before using this method and if it's worth the risk.

Full can of butane in one hand, a partially pressurized and dripping PVC tube of butane in the other hand while holding both within a couple of feet of your crotch, heart and head. Sounds like a recipe for disaster. "Man's Body found with Pepper Embedded in scull." hehe, NOT


It may sound silly but, once i engulfed myself in flames whilst cooling cans of drink with propane (ignition source most probably static), i got second degree burns to my leg and arm.
The other "oops" i had was whilst extracting thc, the stopper came out causing the liquid butane to spray into my eyes, i thought i was blind!! No effect though.
As to the fellow blowing himself in half, i doubt it, combustion of propane causes less than 100psi max, butane around 80psi.
I make spudguns and use these as fuel;)
Well, I'm not sure what I could possibly say to a person who uses that method with it's inherent dangers other than have fun and I hope you live through it. I'm certainly not going to argue with you about it's safety.
talas said:
Would take a hell of a lot of expertise and precautions to do safely...:rolleyes:
The process involves using a piece of PVC, capped at both ends with a hole just large enough to fit the dispenser end of a butane refill can into and a small hole at the other end to allow the butane filled plant oils to drip into a catch of some sort like a glass dish.

The PVC is packed with masticated plant matter and then a can or two of butane is squirted through the hole to filter through the plant matter and place the plant oils into solution. Then it drips into an open dish where the butane evaporates and leaves only the extracted oils.

During the process, the can of compressed butane is held in one hand and the PVC tube in the other, (unless a holding fixture is used), and of course the pan of butane is in the open dish in front of the extractor.

Here's an excerpt from the web about some of the accidents that can happen while using this method:

Killer oil
In October 2003, Reverend Donny Appleby, a med-pot activist and Church of the Universe clergy member, killed himself when he tried to make hash oil medicine to treat his HIV.

Friends suspect that he may have lit a joint after injecting butane into a homemade plastic container filled with bud. The explosion blew the door off his bathroom, and he received burns to 75% of his body, scorched his lungs beyond repair, and died later in the hospital.

In February 2004, a home in Eureka, California, exploded with a blast so intense that it knocked three walls from the building and shot window glass and frames 20 feet from the residence. Before disappearing, the would-be weed oil merchants told firefighters that the explosion followed an attempt to fry an egg on a gas stove. More likely, the gas stove detonated solvent from their weed oil extractor.

In March 2004, an Alberta man barely survived an explosion after trying to make hash oil on his stove. When he went to move the "cooker," solvent likely leaked from his equipment and was ignited by the stove. He was left with scars on 80% of his body, including his face.

Please, anyone who uses this method please do so with extreme care. You only get to be dead once. Why rush it?