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How to make your own capsaicin cream?

Hi folks, I've been away a bit and had to think about this forum again today.
I've been ill (no worries, I'm OK and recovering), and the irony has it that one of the only medicins to work against the pain is... capsaicin.   It is used more and more for pain relief in neuropathy, and I wondered as a grower if I could ... make my own cream?
Apologies if this has been covered before, but I did a few searches, and couldn't find the threads.
So yeah... making my own cream would make sense.    My questions are:
1. what pepper (or peppers) would give the best pain relief?
2. what peppers are most practical to use? (not necessarily the same as 1?)
3. how do you include them in a topical cream or oil?
Would it be simply a case of adding dried & ground peppers to, say, vegetable oil, or would it be more complicated than that?   And at what point would the "burning" overcome the pain relief?
No worries, I'm not planning to commercialize this (hell no!), I would just love to experiment with this myself, as I think it's pretty harmless (what could possibly go wrong, right?...)   I know there are creams out there already, but I just want to see if I can come up with the one that is most suited for me.
So... first of all... does this even seem doable?
Google "how to make homemade topical cream" and there are some very interesting directions out there, good luck and let us know what you make.
Ha, some cool ideas already, thanks!
Yeah, I forgot to mention that it's not only used for neuropathy,  but also arthritis, proriasis, and a bunch of other conditions.
The powder + olive oil + beeswax idea sounds great.   I just realised I still have pharmaceutic grade "super cayenne" powder capsules (some people take this to lower their bad cholesterol... I don't know if that really works) that I can use for this.  That way I can keep my own peppers for culinary use. ;)
Just need some natural beeswax (which is pretty cheap) and I'm good to go - although I'm not sure if it would still be useful as a snack (one for the foot, one for the mooth :D )
Please keep the ideas coming though, and thanks again!
Scoville DeVille said:
Pure Evil Cap. Mix with hand lotion. done.


That was my first thought too Scovie, only I was thinking more like Eucerin Cream than hand lotion but either one would work. Hey if Ann starts producing we get 10% for thinking it up ;)
Wide-O said:
Ha, some cool ideas already, thanks!
Yeah, I forgot to mention that it's not only used for neuropathy,  but also arthritis, proriasis, and a bunch of other conditions.
The powder + olive oil + beeswax idea sounds great.   I just realised I still have pharmaceutic grade "super cayenne" powder capsules (some people take this to lower their bad cholesterol... I don't know if that really works) that I can use for this.  That way I can keep my own peppers for culinary use. ;)
Just need some natural beeswax (which is pretty cheap) and I'm good to go - although I'm not sure if it would still be useful as a snack (one for the foot, one for the mooth :D )
Please keep the ideas coming though, and thanks again!
Well, clean up would be easy, just lick your hands off. Got a big glob, use some chips first :cool: