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How to speed up growth?

Hi All,

I seeded my peppers on 31/7 and recently they are just slow growing... It's like watching paint dry!

You can see my posts http://www.thehotpepper.com/topic/23898-first-hooks/ with regards to how and what I have done.

The seedlings are outside now and I'm continuing to water daily and supplement with multifeed and kelp extract ever so often... I even have the african sun... but growth is sooooooo dang sloooooooooooooooooooooooooow!

Am I just plain impatient or am I missing something???

Calling all chilliheads to please give me tips on what will make my little suckers thrive.... must I pour petrol on them and light them or what???


Well the first and smartest step is to reduce stress as possible, especially at that young age.
Thank you Omri,

I have just transplanted them a week ago... ok, good point! And they are still young...

In your experience is there a stage of development where the chillies grow rapidly... like 3-4 months or...?

Apart from this, is there a particular supplement(s) that would enhance or accelerate growth in the soil?


As long as you have decent soil supplements are not needed in my opinion. By all means feed but do not over do it or your soil will sour.
Sounds like you need a measure of patience mixed with some beers!

Best growth for me has been around the 3 month mark. Don't stress and let them do their thing!
Thanks Novacastrian!

I need to relax and stop being so anxious... have faith in nature and let nature do its thing.

I look forward to the 3 month mark!

You've got to be heating up for summer down under? What's you whether like this time of the year?

Thanks again

Right now we are going through a cold patch, winds from the South me no likey. Apart from that it stinks of a ripper of a season, we are going to get a scorching summer again though so we have to keep that in mind.

You get some blistering head down under. The hottest I have ever recorded here is 42,5 daytime and 29 at night. But that way way up north... don't fancy growing chillies in those conditions... much lol

I'll crack a frostie to that... VIVA LA CHILLIS!
Octane boosting plant food and a Turbo should do pretty nice!
lol Patience....They will do their thing.
good luck with them...
Octane boosting plant food and a Turbo should do pretty nice!
lol Patience....They will do their thing.
good luck with them...
The general consensus appears to be that the papa needs to take a chill pill...

Now if only I could stop checking on them every 15 minutes lol

Thanks all!
Find a book to read and leave the plant alone.....it's really hard to kill a chile plant leaving it alone

If you start with the OCD and too much fertilizer/supplement, you can kill it.
Get it in the perfect conditions, give it only as much as it needs and leave it be!!
I killed all of mine not long ago because I was trying to help them.

Patience is the key. I have a very quick grower at the moment, a Peruvian White Habanero. It's going up really quick, but the yellow cayenne and white bhut and yellow 7 have just sprouted, taking their time. I'm not too happy about slow growth but I don't really have a choice but to wait.

You could try to check potassium levels, it helps with strength and root development.