Howdy, from Texas

Howdy from Texas. I am new here, but wanted to say Hello. I'm not sure how much time I'll get for the fun, since my peppers are blooming, the tomatoes are loaded, onions have been growing for 2 months, and squash and okra are up. I should be picking and making homemade hot sauce and pico de gallo before long.

I have 4 varieties of peppers planted, this year. They include, hot jalapeno (no mild ones here!), serrano, cayenne, and one lowly bell pepper plant, that I use for homemade spaghetti sauce and other recipes. I had a hard time finding habenero plants this year, so missed getting them in the ground. Hopefully, I'll get busy earlier next year, or grow my own from seeds.

I'm an avid vegetable gardener, and love to pickle, can and freeze extra for use when the garden is dormant. I love to cook, and find most hot things go best with a cold beer!

Besides the above, I enjoy training my dogs, as well as working with the horses, and doing the entire farm/ranch thing. I usually raise cattle, but am hoping to get to bale some hay this year, on that pasture. After 5-6 years of drought, and half (or more) of Texas burning, last year, I am thankful that we have had a wet spring, (so far). I hope the rains continue and everyone has a great growing season.
Welcome from Fort Worth...far west side of town...
heyya from Austin. Where ya at in this great blue bonnet state?

I'm in Weatherford. Looks like we have a good representation of our State, as well as a wonderful group from a lot of diverse areas, on this site!

And our Blue Bonnets have been GORGEOUS this year. Lots of dormant seeds got the rain at a good time, this Spring. I think they are lasting longer than usual too!

Thanks to everyone for the warm welcomes!