
Anyone else use them? I built four 72" x 48" x 12" raised beds after last year's grow season. Two of them just have composted coffee grounds and regular garden soil, but the other two are modified hügelbeets. I dug two pits about a 18" deep and filled them with large branches, twigs, fish, grape vines, egg shells, coffee, all the previous year's organic material etc. and then covered them with soil.
I am in the process of working a spot in my semi-shaded back yard. I have tried to track the sun in that area. It faces West but I think it will get shade in the 3-5 time frame. I want to use it for peppers or tomatoes. I also had been adding my spent pole bean vines. The ones with blight get tossed. I have been using raised beds due to my crazy city lot. The front has a slope and a retention wall. I found it has rip-rap gravel. I have been adding to the front in hopes of gaining an extra 3 feet to work with. I have a fairly decent garden in general,that helps offset the grocery bill.
I'm growing a variety of fruits and vegetables on a slope too, it's the only workable area in my track home yard. Last couple years I got tons of production just planting directly in the ground, but its tough with the heat here in Temecula. I think I'll get more production from the boxes in general, but the hügelbeet containers are going to be crazy...