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Hurt Fingers

What supose to be a day in the garden turned out to be a long journey on the computer. I've been running down two wild peppers from another site almost all day. Made a mistake and probally offended my supplier ( he's European I guess ). Said it'll cost me 7.50 with a funny looking E in front it. I PMed back so about 8 bucks. Haven't heard back yet. Just PMed him back after Mark (Burning Colon) corrected me on the money exchange 11 dollars instead of 8 (Man what a dumb ass redneck I feel like). Have you ever had one of those types of plants that just seems to be just out of reach. Searchin through the jungles of South America for them right now seems easier than getting them from across the pond. Thank God for the computer to show me all that I want. Back in the day ya got the seed catalog in the mail ,ordered what you could find from a very limited slection,and was happy not knowing what someone on the other side of the world was growing. Today I can tell you whats growing everywhere with the pitter plunk of my computer keyboard. Now if I could just get what I want (sounds like a big baby huh) I'd be happy for a brief time till I see what Joe's growing in Tin Buck Two :)
use to be orange habaneros were just an chili fairytale for me. jalapeno, ceyenne and serano were all that i could find in seed packages around here. now, orange habs are everywhere and this forum and the internet have made other varieties common everyday talk. thank god for thehotpepper.com
...Back in the day ya got the seed catalog in the mail ,ordered what you could find from a very limited slection,and was happy not knowing what someone on the other side of the world was growing.

Still a viable option. Catalogs have come a long way since back-in-the-day. :)

Good luck on your search.