hydro setup 1st transplant

So....long time member here, been gone for about 3 years and I'''''''''''mmm baaaaaaack...
Going hydro this time around (never done it before, always had potted plants on the porch with diff greenhouse setups) and just gettinig my feet wet in hydro...
So, I read a crap ton of stuff before posting this question, just a few minor details in the beginning stages I couldn't find a CLEAR answer on.
1.Moving a sprouted seed to it's hydro home. When? as soon as I see a hook?  first leaves?  first set of true leaves?  or does it even matter....
2. Temperatures once germination started.  keeping the seeds around 85-90F with a seed pad is getting good germination results, but if I drop them in a hydro setup to a sudden temp change to 72F are these little guys gonna go into a temp shock? (72F is the steady winter temp in my house).
3. When to start nutes?  Once they're in the hydro setup, should I run with just plain filtered water until I see first set of true leaves?  I planned on starting them weak, whenever I do start them; like half of what the regular nute suggestion from the manufacturer, as I know peppers can be pretty sensitive at first...
The current stages:
1. seeds are in tiny rockwool cubes, in a glass cup covered in plastic wrap, on the floor, on a seed heating pad.
2. They've all started hooking. (PIMP)   But no leaves yet, maybe tomorrow, haha
3. I have a hydro kit ready to go. GenHydro "Waterfarm" with clay pebbles and Flora series nutes.
4.  The plan is to just put the rockwool cubes right into the clay pebbles how the manufactuer recommends, and plug in the machine.  2 gallon resv., filtered water 1/2 strength nutes for first week or so.
Oh, and random FYI if anyone cares, the plan is to grow fully indoors, decorative idea for the living room.  Should have everything I need.  Will do a glog and post pics and problems of course, haha
We have SCReapers and ornamnetal thai chili for eating a viewing pleasure
When you see/feel a hook, put them in the rockwool cube  and in a dish with just water. Keep a top over the dish until you see real leaves and then take the top off and transplant to hydro.
Keep temps around 75F in hydro.
Start nutes at maximum 25% recommended dose.