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Hydrogen Peroxide Spray Question

It has been extremely wet and humid around here the last week and half or so and I have these spots exploding around the leaves of my bird's eye pepper and thai sun...so I read elsewhere in other posts that some people spray down the foliage of their plants with a hydrogen peroxide solution to stop the progression of these bacterial spots.


I used the everyday 3% peroxide at a strength of 1 cup peroxide to 1 gallon of water and soaked the foliage last night. I also pulled these plants away from my others to aid in containing the problem (if that helps).

How often can I spray the plants with this solution? When should I see a halt or slowing of these spots to know if the spray is effective?
THose look like bug suckers. Mix a table spoon of ivory hand soap to like 4 cups of water and mist the crap out of em. Top bottom front side below
H2o2 can't hurt here is one of the sites I studied for awhile http://www.using-hyd...e-garden.html there are a few others spraying it on leaves and adding to soil can only help, It usually takes 2-3 applications split up over 10 -15 days before you would notice any improvement. GL

Are you sure those arent burn marks from the sun shining on wet leaves?
I guess the raindrops could have cooked those leaves like that, especially in full daytime sun!
Never seen these spots before as a grower, so I figured it could be some type of bacterial or fungal attack.

I already gave them round one of H2O2 so I might as well give them rounds 2 and 3 over the next week or so.
Dosed them that night, and the spots have seemed to slow their progression.

THose look like bug suckers. Mix a table spoon of ivory hand soap to like 4 cups of water and mist the crap out of em. Top bottom front side below

I am now having some aphid issues and have seen little to no beneficial bugs this season....can you mix the ivory hand soap and the H202 and spray to take care of the aphids and inhibit the bacterial spot growth?
Neem oil and soap with scorpion
pepper juice, H202 breaks down to fast, I apply neem spray every 5-7 days or as needed.
Just an update...those white spots were not sun spots and almost completely destroyed my thai sun and bird's eye plants within days of seeing the first spot. If you guys see these spots, then pull the leaves off immediately and start spraying with H202 or a product designed just for bacterial leaf spot. Oh yeah, this crap readily goes from one plant to another, so if you see it on one, then chances are it is on your others.