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I am F-ing Pissed!!!!

Morning storm = 1 Pissed Person
5 of the 6 will be okay but
My Scotch Bonnet (which I only
have 1 seed left from the pack
I bought and was my only plant)
Well the pic will tell the story...
All my hard work and about 30 or
more flowers buds and fruit GONE.
Sorry bout the language but man
I AM SO P*SSED!!oh after I took the pic
of the Bonnet I tried to get it back up..
nope all limbs snapped off!!!!


Don't give up the ship just yet - plants survive worse damage. It may be a while before you have flowers again, but you should get some. I can feel for you, though. I had a crop of tobacco wiped out by a hail storm and that was a cash crop I was relying on.

You also gave me an idea I need to do - stake my plants.

Good luck,

Alls not lost HPFF, look at this Naga Morich that I dropped on it's head and snapped (sorry for anyone who's seen these pics a zillion times).


It was rescued the next day from the compost bin as I didn't think it would survive at the time.

After re-potting and a little time.

So I should keep the stump (its big)in the ground
and hopefully it will start again??I stuck
all the big limbs that snapped(all snapped off
actually)in hopes they would root but should
I just toss them and keep the stump planted??
I am so down right now with all the crap they
already went thru with storms and me being
a newbie!!:)
I would stick any of the "hearts" that may still be intact into water or possibly rockwool. Just be sure to mist the leaves very frequently. I intentionally beheaded a couple of toms (they were getting too leggy for my hydro and I knew they would never survive if I didn't) and that was a week ago. No new sprouts but the leaves are green and the stem is getting larger.

I was just out adding some support to my other plants
and well the limbs from the Bonnet well they
looked terrible so I cut em up and tossed them..
mostly out of anger :lol: but I will keep its
stump (its nice and thick and healthy looking)
and hope it will continue to grow..
looks like more storms today then sunny for
about 4 days
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
Morning storm = 1 Pissed Person
5 of the 6 will be okay but
My Scotch Bonnet (which I only
have 1 seed left from the pack
I bought and was my only plant)
Well the pic will tell the story...
All my hard work and about 30 or
more flowers buds and fruit GONE.
Sorry bout the language but man
I AM SO P*SSED!!oh after I took the pic
of the Bonnet I tried to get it back up..
nope all limbs snapped off!!!!



Don't worry I know it is heart breaking but your plant will recover but it will take a while you will have some pods from that plant.
It will recover from this???

If so that would be great news since I almost pulled it out from the roots.And I was about to reorder some seeds.
oh ty to all for the tips!!!:)
Tom, as Mike and the others have said, it will recover and produce well...I have several tabascos that I topped because of severe sunscald just about to the height yours is now and they are bushy, bushy and producing pods better than the ones that were not cut back...
one thing ive learnt this year is dont give up on your plants..had my scorpions reduced to 2 leaves after scorching the blighters..have had aphids sucking the life out of my small plants..they do recover given time and care..dont panic they'll come back stronger :)
Hey mang, if it helps, check these out:


Left is a CR Hab seedling that lost it's head in an unfortunate stuck-seed incident..yet it's still growing somehow.

The Right is my poor sick Morich. I have no clue what happened to it, but it went from awesome and 4" leaves to like this in about a week. But, it's still alive and has new leaves coming since I repotted it to the gills and took off the dying leaves.

Chiles are tuff as hell..just think of how they have to grow in their natural state..some of the worst terrain and competitive conditions anywhere.

Stems can grow new leaves, stems can grow new roots..it's actually pretty amazing.

Think of it as unvoluntary taking of cuttings. ;)

I don't give up until it's a dry husk.

i would've trimmed the snapped tops and dipped them in rooting hormone. You can get that sucker to live again. And keep watering what was left in the container. That sucker wants to live.
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
It will recover from this???

If so that would be great news since I almost pulled it out from the roots.And I was about to reorder some seeds.
oh ty to all for the tips!!!:)
My one naga had the main stem eaten well half the damn plant lol ..its currently flowering and doing well
I'll add some moral support.
Last year I cut off one of my bell peppers with a rock from the lawn mower (always point them AWAY from the garden!) It had a few bottom leaves left and grew back just fine. It had some fruit way late in the season.
This year I was growing some Italian pepperoncinis in containers and after tasting them decided they weren't worth keeping. I liked my Greeks better. Anyway... I cut them off just above the branching to get them out of their cage and pulled them out of the soil so they only had a tiny root ball. I threw the pile of them in the fire pit. A few day later, one of them was growing!
When I overwinter, I cut my plants way back to stumps as well as trimming the roots and they come back even bigger and bushier in time so don't give up. You may want to trim the roots a bit.

Here's one being trimmed and potted down

And here it is now 8 months later
Well TY to all for the advice to make the story even more tragic
is about 1 hour after posting the 2nd pic Gunner tripped the
power cord on the puter and when I tried to get back on well
long story short....hard drive DEAD arggggggg but after a rather lengthy trip to the PC Doc (bassturds said be fixed by last friday got it today) ITS Fixed :lol: oh and yep
the J.R.S. BONNET its growing rather quickly even got
new buds already and all my other plants well oh my
fruits galore :) missed the THP Glad I am back:)