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I HATE people like this...

So I have this buddy that just turned 50 years old. All he does is play Modern Warfare all day long. Not to mention he has 3 little girls, one of which isnt even in school yet. Anypoo....so his mother is literally in her death bed right now, about to die. She has cancer, which spread to spine and is what's killing her. As a matter of fact, yesterday morning she lost 2 quarts of blood out of her rectum. SUPER nice woman. But get THIS crap...her husband, son, and daughter-in-law, who happen to live literally right next door to them, on the same property, dont get there until about noon each day, IF they visit her. They could have moved her into a more comfortable room, but decided not to because they would have had to be there 24-7 with her because it's not 24-7 care. It's a small hospital, so these rooms are on the same wing as the ICU. At night, if you need someone, you just ring the buzzer thingie. So, she's still in the same damn room. I told them all if they needed anything, let me know. Well, they asked tonight if I would babysit their kids, who coincidentally are all Satan's Spawn. I told him that I couldnt because I had to go to one of our other friend's birthday party. Why did they need a sitter? Because they wanted to go out to eat at the local Mexican restaurant! OH! And get THIS...a couple of days after she went into the hospital, she had about 5 or 6 family members show up, 3 or which are her mother and 2 sisters. And they STILL dont have her in the nice room!!
Now, call me crazy, but if it were MY mother/wife, and she was about to die, you would have to MAKE me leave. Anyone that has been on this site long enough remembers when I lost my dad. As SOON as I found out, I drove straight to Texas from N.C. I stayed there until 9p.m., when visiting hours were over and they made us leave, and was there at 8a.m. the next morning. I sat by my dad's side the whole damn time. I was holding his hand when he passed away. They only times I wasnt right there by his side was when I had to go to the bathroom, or get something to eat. Other than that, I was there watching him. I would say in the 5 days I was there, I MAYBE watched 5 minutes of the tv that was on the whole time.
Why am I so flippin pissed? My friend's wife just posted on Facebook whining that people offered to do anything for them, yet no one IS doing anything for them. Am I wrong for being pissed about that? I can understand that different people react differently to situations. But in MY book, if a loved one is literally about to pass away, you do everything you can for your loved one. You dont flipping sleep in until noon every day, and you DAMN sure dont bitch because no one will watch your hellions so you can go eat Mexican while your f'ing mother is lying in her death bed bleeding profusely out of her ass!!
That is all....
That's truly messed up. Sounds like the low-life soon-to-be-ex my stepbrother married. His dad, my stepdad, just passed away last week, and the first words out of her mouth after getting the news were, "What did he leave you?" You reap what you sow in life. If nobody is there to help when you need it, it's time to look hard at how you've been treating others.
Amen Nova but people like that usually don't change till they have that "Come To Jesus" moment that gives them the insight to just what the heck they're doing and how F'd up it is.
there are some jacked up people out there... my advice... don't let it stress you out... don't get mad... as long as they aren't related to you, you don't have to worry or get mad over anything... although, it's cool that you shared this story with us... shows your humanity... those are the kind of people that take their dogs to the pound as soon as they get tired of feeding it...

if i had them on FB or something else... i would throw stones... my friends know i'm an a-hole, and my neighbors think i'm a jerk that talks shit all the time... i do that because i don't care what they say about me... if the aren't family, they aren't important to me...

if that were my family, i would be pounding faces with chair or something...

just ignore it, and pray for that nice lady...
Sadly we all know people like that, the law won't let us kill em, so what do you do?
You are not wrong to be annoyed (Pissed means something else here) but I wouldn't worry about what people put on Facebook, It is the realm of the damned and the retarded
Just ignore it,.
Real people post on Forums like this.
My thoughts are with you.
F'n sad... So, so, F'n sad.
I have my own stories like this with my family, leaves me feeling icky to read crap like that.

Hey HotP, you should change the third word in your post from "have" to "had".
Thanks for all of the nice words ya'll. Sorry, but I JUST remembered I had made this thread. lol
Well, she passed away this weekend. The family went down to Florida to see some other family, and are now back in town. They are having a get-together for family and friends tonight. There's no funeral, per se', because she donated her body to science. So it'll be awhile before they bury her.
Just a damn shame...