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I have a pound of peppers, what recipe should I use?

I have a pound total of peppers. Mostly jalapenos with some bhut jolokias. I also have some sourdough hooch laying around and I'd like to try my hand at a ferment. Anyone got a recipe/instructions they'd like to give me? I've read the sanitation and fermenting threads so I think I know what I'm doing, I'd just like to have a tried-and-true recipe instead of whatever I have lying around.
Well, that's kind of a loaded question and most of the time it really is up to you and what you like.  That's why there's more than one kind of hot sauce, because not everyone likes the same thing or the same heat level.   
Are the chiles red, green or both?  what flavor profile do you like (obviously fermented...but beyond that..)?  Do you want to only taste chiles, not taste chiles at all and taste fruit/carrots or something else?  Little bit of both?
There's lots of posts in the Making Hot Sauce section where people have posted amounts with their ingredients.  Maybe if you post what sauces, flavors and heat levels you like or want to get, there might be some suggestions to get you going in that direction.
Don't be afraid to just jump in!  If you LOVE onions, put a bunch in, if you can't stand onions...leave them out~
Yep, what she said! First part of designing any sauce is putting together the flavor profile you want to go for. Once you have that in your head just go over possible ingredients and how they'd add to or take away from it and if your not sure you can always just ferment and age a pure pepper mash and use it as the base for anything from a hot sauce to a BBQ sauce and everything in between.
