I messed up :(

Hi people,
My plants were doing fine,
they were hardened off and were outside.
Then a whole week of heavy rain came so i put them all inside by the window (full sun when there was any)
Now the good weather came and i put them back ouside,
BUT it was to much for them ...
I can't make a picture now but some of the leaves on some of the plants look exactly like this tomato plant does :

So .... 
damn :( i feel sooooo bad ! I should have checked them every hour or so ... 
I'm lucky they don't all have it.
I put the damaged ones out of the sun and they will stay there for a few days.
Question: is it important to cut the white damaged leaves off ? Or do i leave them on ?
Any other tips ?
They will recover but once moving plants back inside for an extended period of timeyou will need to harden off again. Let the leaves be for now as the plant begins to recover and if leaves do not fall off in a few days, remove them.
Good luck
I work in Ace nursery and we receive plants everyday that r grown in a greenhouse. They must be acclamated  tofull sun----we have various areas that go from shade to part shade and then sun......any plant may burn if taken from inside and then go directly into full sun.   What I am concerned with is the overall plant health--the leaves r just a symptom-----the plant has weakened and is more susceptible now to diseases and pathogens..Separate from your other plants and use a properly diluted 20-20-20 fertilizer each time u water to get the plant healthy again.
hope this helps
Ok thank you for the fast response,
I'll leave the leaves on for now.
I knew i had to harden them off again but i just forgot :P
Good learning experience 
I hope this does not set them back for too long.