I think I got an interesting mutation here

So, I'm growing some purple crystal peppers (direct translation) from China, which are suppose to be good for Bonsai, had them specially sent over here just to try it out.  ANYWAYS, it turns out the leaves on these peppers are a little too big for bonsai, and the peppers that grow out of it, is small and colorful, but its nothing mind blowing. 
HOWEVER, from the few plants that I kept, there is this one plant that is always different from the other ones.   It have this very strange growing habits, for starters its leaves are very small, and they hug the branches, another strange thing about this is, it has many tiny branches growing out of its main stem almost like hair covering the main stem.  Normally peppers would fork at some point and have branches growing out right? not this one, this one have small branches growing all over from the main stem covering the pepper with leaves.  Anyways, check the pics out below.
Is this a mutation?  What do you think?  I thought it might be mites and minerial issues, but I feed this one exactly the same as the rest, and if its mites, than my other plants should have similar problems, but only this one is showing these strange growing habits.
Here are the pics, pay attention to the main stem
If it is a mutation, it's a nice one, and it should be perpetuated imho.
If it were me, i'd definitely hold onto a bunch of pods for seed, perhaps trade them away, but remind everyone that the plant may be a Purple Crystal mutant*.
Jetchuka said:
If it is a mutation, it's a nice one, and it should be perpetuated imho.
If it were me, i'd definitely hold onto a bunch of pods for seed, perhaps trade them away, but remind everyone that the plant may be a Purple Crystal mutant*.
Yeah, thats what I'm thinking, I will definitely be growing this for a few generations, if people are interested I will be happy to trade the seeds (If I can get any, it seems to have a hard time turning flowers into peppers).   This might be the perfect mutation for Bonsai.
How do you say "Bad Ass Pepper" in Chinese? That would be an appropriate name for it if it is indeed a mutant. It certainly is striking. Good score.
Another thing i thought of, what if the plants came from a cross a couple of generations back, and that maybe you received F2 or F3 seed. There's less variance as the generations pass, and things eventually stabilize.
I wonder if this "mutant" plant is closer to how purple crystals were intended (bonsai qualities), and the other sister plants are showing more signs of a cross a couple of generations back.
Who knows...
Jetchuka said:
Another thing i thought of, what if the plants came from a cross a couple of generations back, and that maybe you received F2 or F3 seed. There's less variance as the generations pass, and things eventually stabilize.
I wonder if this "mutant" plant is closer to how purple crystals were intended (bonsai qualities), and the other sister plants are showing more signs of a cross a couple of generations back.
Who knows...
didn't thought of that, the other peppers look very ordinary, good point.