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If this is a pigmentation change, then why are leaves falling off?

I did some research in to the colours of leaves changing to a purplish hue, and it explained pigmentation change - or a mild suntan. I've changed my setup this year from CFL's in a closed environment to a T8 setup that is open. I did not have these issues last year even though the CFL lights were much brighter. I could see the lighter leaves being caused by a nitrogen deficiency, but the soil is fresh. These were planted on December 7th, and all had hooked by the 15th. 
If anyone could help diagnose it would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to loose my babies.
Notice the dots on these leaves. I was thinking they were the start of a suntan like the following pictures? I didn't have to deal with any form of pest last year so perhaps this is a pest?

Notice the darkening of the outer edge of the leaf, but it is also turning a yellowish tinge? I've not been overwatering, I didn't fertilize up until I noticed this weirdness happening, and at that gave a quarter strength of a very weak fertilizer.

Yellowing, and purpling of a leaf, and the cotyledon rotting?

Purple coloured Trinidad Perfume leaves. This couldn't be due to magnesium could it? 

Purple leaved Carolina reapers as well?
I get that on indoor plants some times. I think it's a less terminal form of the dreaded BLS. It's def seems to be fungal or bacterial in nature. I had plants grown indoors all winter showing it and once moved outside it goes away. Maybe too much humidity or something. Two of the plants in my hydro would get it, didn't seem to effect them in any way other than some leaf drop but they still produced fine. other two plants seemed immune to it. 
From what I understand it is just as you said originally, a suntan. Some peppers do this under certain artificial lights. It doesn't harm them in any way whatsoever. I've had it happen to me before and my plants were fine.

The yellowing and leaf drop looks like a seperate issue, possibly a nutrient deficiency. As EW said, your plants seem crowded and could all be fighting for available nutrients.

I'd suggest separating them without damaging the roots and repotting them solo, then a feed with a 1/3 strength (seedling) dose of liquid fertilizer.

My AU$0.02

Also, do you have a fan blowing on them? If not, you should. It will strengthen your stems and greatly help any fungal bacterial issues from starting.
Also, I recommend in getting ph down, ph up and ph test kit, if you do not have one yet.

Happy growing
I had the same problem for a little bit - leaves coming off my adolescent plants and had no idea why - no bugs in it after inspection. Someone said they were probably getting too much water, and I needed to back off on watering them until they started to show signs of being a bit droopy. Maybe try that?
I haven't watered mine in 4 days and they look much better now.
   The purple pigmentation is just a sun tan. My bhut had this very early on as did my bih. The cotyledons where almost pure purple. As the plant aged this went away.  This year my plants have been very fussy. I had some early leaf drop as well and some yellowing. I did a pH and found that the pH was too low at around 5.0. Raised the pH in the soil and my nutes and it fixed the yellowing and leaf drop.
Coup said:
I had the same problem for a little bit - leaves coming off my adolescent plants and had no idea why - no bugs in it after inspection. Someone said they were probably getting too much water, and I needed to back off on watering them until they started to show signs of being a bit droopy. Maybe try that?
I haven't watered mine in 4 days and they look much better now.
I am 100% sure I haven't been over-watering. That was a year one mistake that I vowed not to repeat this year. I watered at the near-wilt stage (nearly lost a few seedlings in the process). I believe what was said earlier about lack of available nutrients was the culprit as it was mostly happening in the overcrowded cups. I was using a small amount of growing medium, and there were up to six seedlings in about four ounces of soil. I have separated them all now and they seem to be rebounding nicely. Took almost two and a half hours to safely separate all the roots and re-pot into cups. Thanks for the suggestions and advice gentlemen.