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I'm Back

Well I went in last Thursday to the hospitol. They took me into surgery at 9:15 am and I was out by 12 noon. They say that the surgury went great and my knee is way better than it was before (can't prove it by me ....hurts like hell) About 1 1/2 monthes ago I took on a bees hive. Not a good idea, considering I was up on a ladder. I hit the hive with the bee killer and they came out fighting!!!! You cannot just step backwards off a ladder 6 feet up. Its a long drop...LOL...( I can laugh about it now ) any way when I hit the ground I blew my knee apart I tore the ACL and the MCL and popped the kneecap out of place. So I finally got it fixed. Now I am on the long road to recovery, physical theropy, and more doctors appointments.They released me from the hospitol Friday evening. I havent been able to move around to well till this afternoon so I wanted to drop in and say Hi to everyone.
Dyce, get better soon dammit.

But next time you take on a bees nest, use a flamethrower, even though your homeowners insurance may go up. 😉
DEFCON Creator said:
Dyce, get better soon dammit.

But next time you take on a bees nest, use a flamethrower, even though your homeowners insurance may go up. 😉

Ummm, you guys are aware that if you destroy all the bees, you'll kill the planet?
So let me get this straight, you were up on a ladder, pissed off the bees by spraying them, then you fell/jumped off the ladder and blew out your knee so you couldn't escape the bees? Wow, I thought I was having a bad day... :shock:

Hope your feeling better man, there has to be a lesson in there somewhere.
P_Schneider said:
So let me get this straight, you were up on a ladder, pissed off the bees by spraying them, then you fell/jumped off the ladder and blew out your knee so you couldn't escape the bees? Wow, I thought I was having a bad day... :shock:

Hope your feeling better man, there has to be a lesson in there somewhere.

Ooo! I know, I know...

oh ya definatly a lesson. get a spray that shoot farther next time!!!! Hey Tina these weren't the "good" type of bees. These ones drove us nuts we would come out side and boom they were right there in your face. They stung all of us me, my wife, my daughters, and my baby boy. After my son got stung, Thats when I went after them.
Glad your better. I work in the local ER. we have had at least 25 people in the last month fall from ladders, some minor injurys some major even two died. I'm glad your one of the lucky ones.