I'm New to You!


I just discovered this website and thought to myself, "It needs my membership". So I signed up.

I am a gardening enthusiast who loves to grow hot peppers and would love to interact and learn from others who might have more experience than I do.

I usually grow about a dozen plants in my garden for personal use. I've never had any challenges to growing them, they always seem to thrive... well there was that first year when I got a rock stuck in my tiller and the whole day was going wrong and I got mad and pelted my baby plants at the wall before returning later to put them in the ground. LOL. Those little buggers took off like rocket ships and I had more peppers than I knew what to do with that summer!!!

Anyway, feel free to introduce yourself to me. My name is Lisa. I live in OH. And I look forward to learning some cool stuff from everyone.

c-ya. :onfire:
Welcome, Lisa, on the first day of spring...might know it's chilly and windy here in lower SW Minnesota. Glad you came to join us.
Welcome from Fort Worth
Belated Greetings!!!!


It's a wild, wacky, and fun place to be. :)