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i'm still alive :)

um, remember me? i got an email from cheezy the other day commenting on my dissappearing act and asking if i was doing ok... it's really sweet that you all noticed...
why have i been away? nothing against you all, just life's getting in the way... a lot of plans i had got all scrambled this passed few months and now i'm just trying to keep up plus i've been spreading myself a bit thin b/w school and volunteering and working... if it helps, i've been neglecting all my boards equally. but i did miss you all!
doesn't help that the rain crapped out my veggies big time this year so they're kinda depressing me... i've been focusing on the orchids and african violets when i do have time...
so i'll try and hang around some (afterall, i don't want you guys going into grumpy withdrawal..) can't promise i'll read a lot of the back-up of threads (lowered the ol' ADD meds too, suprising how that makes things take a little longer), might be a little less than before...but i'm here!
Most excellent to hear from you!

Glad to know you're ok. Sorry about your plants though. Hope everything gets better for ya.

Nice to see you back GB, even if just for a flying visit. I can only imagine how hard the ADD is, someone very close to me has ADHD. RB x
YA!!!! You're alive and well!!! Thank goodness. Oh, I have ADHD and let me tell you, getting off the meds was the best thing I could ever do for my body and mind. Meds=bad news!
good to know you are OK GB...hang out some if you ever find the time...

Grumpy (Not) Bear,

I could have used some of your rain this summer, especially in the last nine weeks. But you can always get some lights and plant a few things indoors - I've got tomato, pepper, lettuce and basil growing and am waiting on some cucumber seeds. I was suprised how much growing seeds made last winter more bearable, this year I'm looking forward to growing plants and eating their produce.

*sigh* glad to be back :)

imaguitargod said:
Someone once said that I smelled like a hippy. I asked, what would that smell like, he said "Sunshine and earth", lol....he left out the weed thing.

my sister's a hippie, there's a hint of BO too...
................You grow orchids????

Really, you have to stop researching me so in depthly. It really amounts to stalking.;)

My best trick to date was calling up Lowe's and asking them if they would take a flat $50 for all of their sick and fading orchids.

I got 37 plants from one store! I nursed them all back to flowering with a regimen of ice packs that had my freezer slowly defrosting. Good to see you.
GrumpyBear said:
well she bathes but she has some fuzzy logic that says deoderant is oppressive. i dunno, i don't speak hippie...

hehe, well, if she means oppresive in the way that they are trying to make you sick with the ingredients, than I whole heartedly agree. Now if she means they want you to smell like everyone else and not youself, than I also agree. But they want you to smell not like yourself because naturally, we stink. :shocked: Slap her around and give her some natural deoderant (found at any health store).