Immediate stomach pain after eating pepper.

So I haven't eaten any peppers in a few months, mostly because they weren't in season, But since I'm getting some boxes tomorrow/Thursday I thought i'd try to build up my tolerance a little bit. 
Popped a red scotch bonnet since it was the only thing I had from the freezer, and ate it, then almost a minute later, it felt like my stomach was being stabbed. The burn in my mouth was fine, I was able to deal with that, no problem :P
Normally when I hear stories of people's stomachs hurting after eating peppers it's usually a few hours after, not a minute after, so is this anything to worry about or am I just worried about nothing?
 Could be an ulcer ? Did you do this on an empty stomach ? 
Does seem odd but if you haven't had anything in a while might just be your stomach wasn't ready . I would eat one with some food and see how that goes. 
romy6 said:
 Could be an ulcer ? Did you do this on an empty stomach ? 
Does seem odd but if you haven't had anything in a while might just be your stomach wasn't ready . I would eat one with some food and see how that goes. 
I had breakfast, but that was about 6 hours ago. 
I'll try it again after I eat something, and hope I don't have to go crawling to the fridge getting the milk again lol
I get that sometimes when I drop one on an empty stomach. I think the hungry acids get right to work on it, and you can feel it much more than if you have some food down first, which gives more of a time release effect to the gut.
Happened to me once when I decided to eat a quarter bottle of Insanity Sauce with chips cause I had nothing else to eat.
While I was eating, not bad, then 30 seconds later, I was lying on my couch feeling like I was doing one of those "lying on a bed of nails" things that went horribly wrong.
About 3 minutes later, huge endorphin rush.
My cross peppers did this to me too.. Thier insanely hot but as soon as they hit my stomach it also felt like a meat hook lodged itself in my stomach.. Might be a particular type of capsaicin in high quantities ?