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In need of moral guidance

My youngest son Garrett, age 15, has been playing the drums and taking lessons for the past six months. He got hooked up with a local band in need of a drummer and they've been practicing in my garage. Had them clean it out first to make room.:)

Tonight they had their first live performance at a local pub. Played for about 40 minutes or so. I couldn't freaking believe it and I couldn't have been prouder. Here's a shot of him doing his thing.


Here's the question I've been struggling with, hope you guys can help. If by some miracle he becomes a rock star is it wrong for a dad to ask his son to share his groupies? Oh, I am divorced from his mother. Thanks for your guidance.
LOL - not the question I thought it would be........

But why not if your not attached or devoted, I say he should respect his elders.:drunk:And share the wealth !
I think it's your fatherly duty to help him out - he won't be able to handle them all at the same time!:lol:
Just make sure you become his 'manager' so you can pick and choose which ones are for him and which leftovers you get:lol:
you know Patrick...I don't think you chose the right forum to get "moral" guidance from ;) :lol:
AJ you just may be right. However, that doesn't mean they're wrong.:lol: I knew you guys would help and for that I salute all of you.

Omri, no worries there bud, I've got daughters older than that.

I know there should be a picture up there, the image code is still showing in the thread. Can anyone see it? Photobucket is having troubles too. SWINE!!