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Indian Madras Hot Sauce

With an abundance of Bhut jalokias i decided to make a Madras Curry based sauce.

No curry paste from a jar here though.

HEre is what i did.

Heat a table spoon oil in a pot and drop a tsp of mustard seeds (mix of light and dark) in the oil. The desired wersult is to have the oil hot enough to make the seeds pop but not burn. You will want to put a lid on while they pop.

I then threw in 3 finly chopped Challots, a diced clove of garlic and a teaspoon of grated fresh ginger.

Let fry gently for a minuite and droped in the crushed dry spices. All the seeds go in the morter and pastle and get ground to powder.

1 teaspoon Cumin seeds
2 teaspoons coriander seeds
1/2 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
1/2 teaspoon ground tumeric
1/2 teaspoon ground smoked Paprika
6 black pepper corns
1 teaspoon salt
2 whole cloves

Stir this in for 30 seconds and chuck in 2 skinned and seeded tomatoes and 4 Bhut Jalokias...... all coursly chopped. I also chucked in half a cinemon stick and a teaspoon of sugar at this point. I let this come up to the simmer and poured in about an equal quantity of white vinigar to what was already in the pot. Half a cup id say.

Then in went about half a dozen fresh curry leaves and with the lid on..... simmered for 5 to 10 minuited to soften everything up.

Poured in the Food Processor and with the blades running, sprinkled in about 1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon of xanthan gum.

Poured strain into bottles hot.

Its bloody delicious and will just get better as it ages a bit and all the spice flavours come out to play.



Ahhhhh similar sauce......... That was Bhut/Fatalii Hot Sauce. It looks almost the same..... was in the same bottle and i took basicly the same pictures but this is very different sauce.

And no mate.......... you cant see into the future :)
YEah i used the same base of tomatoes and vinigar so it looks very similar....... its such a good base. Smooth and moist.

The spice side of it is basicly what i use to make a curry but i use coconut milk instead of vinigar and add meat.


I keep going and just eating the suace........ its very very nice.
Its definatly going to become one of my staple sauces.

Now to develop a great Jerk Sauce. I have Devil Tongues on the way and Chocolate habs in the freezer.

I love making sauce!

I love eating sauce! Im just eating this stuff from the jar on my finger. It takes a bit for the heat to wind up but it hangs in your mouth for 5 minuites!

I have 2 plants growing in my back yard mate.

Got the seeds from Stillmanz from his first trial batch of Jerk Sauce using the Devils Tongue chillis he got.

I grew a couple of plants for MoyBoy as well so there should be a good supply.......... well...... his will be scabby :)

tony05 said:
I grew a couple of plants for MoyBoy as well so there should be a good supply.......... well...... his will be scabby :)


Hey, up yours you big poop...

i've got more ripe fatalii's than you have green devils tongue.....Plus I have 2 devils tongue plants....:hell:
I will let you know when i have some mate. The plants are getting very serious on setting fruit now that its cooled down a bit. They didnt like those 40 deg days and dropped a lot of flowers. dozens of little ones comming on strong now. A great big hand full of blood and bone helped too!
