indoor Indoor growing

I have read so much I think I am going cross eyed. I want to get there from here and all the info I have is conflicting or perhaps beyond my reach of hardware just now...
I have 13 pepper plants. A mix of Ghosts, Scotch Bonnets, and Butch-T's. I Have some flowering and some not. They all live in my cellar on two benches under an array of 10 / 100watt cfl's @ 65k over each bench. The plants evenly split in number on each bench about 2-3 inches under them.
Can these plants set pods under these lighting conditions typically? I have had them pod earlier under a mix of cool white and 27 k cfl's at 60 watt through the early spring but the pods were very small. The plants are all 8" to 1.5' tall. I have recently repotted them and found them to be a bit root bound.
I am more concerned about the lighting just now. I was hoping they could produce over the winter with what I have.
I appreciate any advice. 