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Interesting read: patent info on a hybrid

So i stumbled upon this in a google search.
The patent info for a hybrid call orange blaze.
Its a lot to go thru, but has info about the F generations, parents used, ect, along with a definition section at bottom.
Kind of a neat read. You have to get mid way and down to get to the good info. And it refers to the pepper by a number sequence, until even farther down.
Hope some else finds this interesting.

Nice one buddy! Of course I find something "NEW" in the pepper world to be exciting!!! Thanks for the good read!
Sweet Pepper hybrid, PX 9939610, also known as Orange Blaze, develops a productive, semi-open, small to medium-sized plant. The plant produces small bright orange fruit that commonly weigh about 50 to 70 g. The fruits most commonly have two to three lobes, and are trapezoidal in shape. Fruits are generally about 9×4 cm (L×D). The skin is generally tough with a semi-sweet flavor. The hybrid is resistant to the Tobacco mosaic virus pathotype P0 (Tm0). It is also resistant to bacterial leaf spot races 0, 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8 caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria (Xcv), and the mild form of Tobacco etch virus (TEV), and Potato Virus Y pathotype P[sub]0[/sub] (PVY). The hybrid is adapted to a wide range of environments.

Read more: http://www.faqs.org/patents/app/20130055419#ixzz2SMDFvcPM

I wonder who http://www.faqs.org/patents/inventor/mccarthy-fl-3/ works for...
damn you monsanto! i hope they choke on their gmo food that they probably are smart enough to not consume. i would imagine that the ceo of monsanto eats organic. if so, then i hope they choke on their organic food.
Damn! I didn't follow that far enough to see that. Oh well. That sucks!
Well.. if we ever want to patent a pepper plant, we can plagiarize they work here and have most of the paperwork done!