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Is There a Market for Dried 7 Pods?

Man Pepper Porn like that always makes me think of those drug deals you see in movies and TV. Tight packed bags of Colombian marching powder.
cmpman1974 said:
You guys are cracking me up....

Let the process begin.






Beautiful pictures. I dream of having that kind of success, Chris.

I'm not worthy!!!!
so dude, how long did they take to dry? I usually cut my pods in half so the air gets in there quicker and they still take about 48 hours in a 1000watt dehydrator.
Can you dehydrate them when they are frozen? They would first have to thaw before they could even begin to dry out. That would add extra time...wouldn't it? Chilliman, it usually takes my peppers around 16 to 18 hours to dehydrate to a crispy hardness. Do yours really take 48?